I tried persona 5 and 4 before and got distracted from them but when this came out on gamepass I tried it and I got so invested I beat most of it in 3 days... 100% a top 5 game. I'm excited to go back to 4 and 5.

Mario is probably my favorite series and this is just one of the best (hard to say if this or galaxy is better)

One of the first challenging games I played and I am glad I did. Bossfights are some of the best moments in any game and this game is almost 90% boss fights. I constantly come back to this game to replay some of my favorites

The game I have replayed the most and one of if not the first games I ever played (it was way after it released though)

My FAVORITE game of all time. This game carried me through quarantine (afterbirth +) and has still brought me hundreds of hours of entertainment every year since. While some characters are just not fun imo its all worth it when you get that sweet sweet dead god.

you get 2 games in one! Mario galaxy and Luigi galaxy! how can you NOT love this?

I used to be a hater of this game but then I gave it a real shot. Yes it can be very frustrating and janky at times but when it is not it is very very fun. It would be cool to see Nintendo make a version that fixes the glitches and adds more content or just make a sequel.

Its issac. very good... but dont play this version, play repentance it fixes so much and is just a way better version of the game overall

I REALLY wish it was better but it was still fun. There really isnt an excuse for the game to run this bad though. Nintendo please help game freak they do not know what they are doing

Best rougelike behind issac. fun to play alone and with friends. very excited for the upcoming DLC : )

I dont enjoy it as much as other games but my friends like it a lot and it is fun to play with them

Very fun when you are not getting destroyed

the best online game.
i can be goku, invincible, gojo, or eren yeager and fight ariana grande and a giant banana

very fun even though i suck so much

so many memories and better friendships made over this game during covid