Holy shit was this game long but holy shit I enjoyed every fucking second, only thing I could see putting people off is its difficulty so don't play if u don't want a hard game, I love this game a lot only bad thing is its like a long movie where your still really enjoying it but feel like it should of ended an hour ago

one of my fav games of all time, it goes through such a powerful journey with Mae who in the end just wants her old life back. The art style is super unique and loveable, the music is like 10/10 and fits every scene perfectly, the story of the game too is maybe the best part of it all, there is a main part to the story but you have so many options that you could literally do everything or just do as little as possible.
Each character is very unique and you can pick and choose whether or not to hang out with them or not or make new friends, her main group of friends tho is the highlight of the game and getting to know each individual one personally feels really rewarding.
A lot of people may not get into it because it is extremely dialogue heavy with only some minigames inbetween but if you are looking for an emotional, cartoony, well-written video game this is the perfect thing.

One of the saddest games I've ever played, it somehow perfectly balances light-hearted, childish and goofy with dark, depressing and serious. Its one of my favourite games all the characters that are meant to be loveable are extremely loveable and all the characters your supposed to hate are extremely horrible.
The gameplay is extremely fun and uses an interesting gimmick where you can attack enemies on beat with music making you do extra damage, all party members are very unique gameplay-wise as well as story-wise.
Its the most story orientated game out of the mother series but it blends perfectly well into the gameplay and eventually becomes more gameplay orientated half-way through the game.
I do feel like this is game is maybe for a specific taste but if you are ever in the mood to play through all of it you 100% should do so

One of the first zelda games I played, it was incredibly fun, the aesthetic of this game is just so charming its hard to not like it, it introduces the Koroks which are like the best zelda race ever they are super cute but extremely mysterious at the same time, it also brings back Tingle who is just the best.
This game does a lot of stuff right its just a lot of the side quests can become same-y over time and personally I'm not a fan of the overall progression, especially the triforce hunt at the end.
Overall a really great zelda game and one of my fav's, it's also a great game to play randomized

its absolutely incredible, pretty much fixed everything generic about OOC and made it unique, exciting and fun. Its got this extremely dark atmosphere about it giving it a creepy otherworld-y vibe, the 3 day cycle can be pretty stressful but if you learn how to slow down time everything becomes much more relaxed. Hundreds of fun unique side-quests, you get to learn about nearly all the characters and its Tingle's first appearance (who is the best zelda character). The only downside is it has only 4 dungeons and 2 out of the 4 can be pretty tedious, everything else is super fun, definitely worth playing if your getting into the zelda franchise

This game is really fun it perfects the formula of a 3D zelda right away, apart from the story tho there isn't much else to do, if you collect all the skulltulas pretty much nothing happens and getting all the heart containers can be very tedious too, I think its really good for getting into 3D zelda but its a bit too basic and generic at times for it to be considered absolutely amazing

One of my fav 2D zeldas, it was one of the first games to perfect the zelda formula, has a really good balance of dungeons and exploration, its also incredibly fun to play randomized

The game is really fun, pretty much impossible to play without a walkthrough or any kind of guide, it is one of the more harder zelda games but I still think it hold ups for NES game


super fun fps, I love just replaying it sometimes just to destroy some demons and turn them into bloody pulps!!!!!!!! >:DDDD
Seriously really fun, got a good story, the shooting is great the missile launcher on the machine gun is OP really don't need to use much else if that gets fully upgraded


This game is very simple, fun and light-hearted, I had a lot of fun playing through it and might come back to it eventually

This game is super fucking fun and got me into the souls series of games, although it can be really difficult its still incredibly fun, everything about it is just super super fun, exploring new areas, the combat, making your build, ect.
I've not played many other souls games but I feel this is a very good game to get introduced to it

I had a lot of fun with this game around the time it came out, but I've just lost interest now and don't really feel like its a game for me

Was super fun for a while but I got out of it mostly just because of personal taste, also found that maintaining the city was waay too stressful for me :(

This game can have mixed feelings but I absolutely love it, its maybe not that good if you get easily motion sick but apart from that it is incredibly fun, it captures reality super well and I love its aesthetic of being an in development game, its super immersive and all the weapons are super fun to use. The only downside is how you get collectables and how some other gamemodes heavily rely on how much you've collected in the story as it is incredibly tedious and not any fun