i actually connot stop thinking about this game

youve definitely heard of papers please and what youve heard is probably absolutely correct. turns something extremely mundane to something intensely engaging and shockingly emotional, making for one of the best examples of games as art. may god bless lucas pope and may those little pixel russians forgive me for what ive done

actually worse than the original donkey kong. literally what the hell is the point of this game. theres like nothing to it. its so easy to cheese. bruh.


initially a really cute game with its rhythm-based platforms and simplistic presentation but eventually the charm wears pretty thin and the simple platforming based around patience more than skill starts to set in, not a bad game but probably not one im gonna think about much

i feel like when god descended from heaven to create Portal and time came for the sequel, he made a game truly worthy of bearing the torch. so worthy, that he deemed us unfit for only one, and so split it into two. he took the charm, the wit, the humor and the presentation, and gave it to Portal 2. then, he took the extremely intelligent puzzle design and gave it all to The Talos Principle.

like i said in so many words, this game doesnt have a whole lot in the way of a soul, and yet the strange themes and presentation maintain interesting enough to keep my attention alongside the true appeal: the puzzles.

this is a very standard puzzle game with the laser puzzles and block puzzles and fucking clone puzzles, but theyre used in a way that makes it very satisfying to complete regardless. i kept coming back to this game not to see what the story had to offer or to keep getting good boy points from God, but just to get more tetris pieces.

despite the complete lack of replayability or charm, The Talos Principle is a very smart game that knows exactly what it is and offers exactly what you want, and im very very happy i played it.

and i only had to look up THREE solutions because im a smart boy

dont get the PC port please, this game is too good for that travesty

substantial improvement on the original by being:

- fun

wario land II stars lol

honestly wish wario just took damage because this immortality system proves only to be a big god damn waste of time. that paired with this game's honestly not that great controls makes this rough to play. maybe if i went for the super 120% mega gamer ending there'd be more to enjoy but fuck if im gonna deal with that shit

this game is ridiculous. these kinds of infinite, randomly generated indie games have been hugely important to me for a long time and this is one that i just missed, for some reason or another. thanks to unreal, i got it for free, and oh my god im so happy i did.

this game scratched an itch ive had for a very long time. binding of isaac will always be one of my favorites, but with Rebirth and especially Afterbirth, rounds just kept getting longer and longer and items got less inventive and rooms got significantly worse (especially with those shitty spawners) but nuclear throne takes it right back to basics.

snappy, ten minute rounds full of pulse-pounding action with extremely satisfying visuals and sound design makes this feel like bliss. after playing ruiner, i feel like i just died and went to a heaven where shit actually responds to my inputs. everything about this game is quick, and snappy, and precise.

and i love it. it brings me back to a simpler time, when indie games were starting to get really big and spelunky and BoI are takin' the world by storm. playing nuclear throne feels like wrapping up in a warm blanket i forgot about. its probably a bad sign that my comfort zone is hyper-violent indie games about dying repeatedly.

one of the peak co-op experiences. too dumpy to call the whole thing great but full of so many wonderful cheesy moments that its an instant classic. still, play co-op

this is really what the god hand guys found themselves doin