its a humbling feeling to find a game that feels bigger than you

i dont even know where to start describing it. at its core, its a game about not understanding. the gameplay revolves around trying in vain to learn about your surroundings - to piece it all together and find a solution to a problem - only to die not because of a lack of trying, but because we just dont have the time.

the beauty of Outer Wilds lies right there. its galaxy is small, yet feels huge and only gets bigger the more you dig. by all means it should feel like a hopeless venture to continue exploring, but its too engaging not to. there is no end goal, and it makes no promises other than the fact you will die.

and the magic is that we did anyway. even if i didnt know what for, i kept exploring its planets to find its secrets. i felt giddiness meeting every character and hearing their stories. i pat myself on the back after solving puzzles once i asked the guy at the starting campfire how to.

Outer Wilds - despite playing as an alien - is a deeply human game. a journey about facing adversity through sheer willpower despite not having all the answers, and knowing youre not alone in that.

i cant do this game a service with my $5 speak and someone else could do a much better job, and thats ok. because like i said, this game - like its setting - is big. theres so much to talk about, yet its message is so precise. its mysteries are so complex, yet so simple in retrospect. games like these remind me how special this industry is, and what kind of art it can produce. Outer Wilds is a profound experience i likely wont forget for a very long time.

at time of writing, Minecraft has sold around 200 million copies. for reference, The Beatles, across all of their albums, have only sold 183 million.

Minecraft is bigger than Jesus.

yeah, mr gas mask guy, maybe i do like castlevania. whats it to ya.

level design tighter than the chokehold microsoft is keeping rare in

why yes, mr chicken man. i do like hurting other people. quite a bit, actually. may i do it more

single handedly increased worldwide ocarina sales by at least 200%

this game does many things, and it does them all perfectly, but one thing it isnt is a liar. that man, for all intents and purposes, definitely ate some snakes.

the video game adaptation of Animal Crossing

imagine being the guy that plays this game for 30 hours, experiences the plight of these tragic pseudo-humans, and says "hum, i think i will masturbate to this"

this is another one of those mario games that just has a lot of cute shit like goombas in scuba helmets. i hope whoever the guy was that drew the goomba with a scuba helmet got a raise. god i love the goomba in the scuba helmet. what a guy

ultimately one of the most purposeless video games ever written but, despite its best efforts, i still enjoy watching kratos kill gods and no i do not feel bad about it anthony burch

what is it with the walking dead and only having one good season

this game is such a joke it's sequel had to be the best fucking action game ever made in order to make us forget about it.

alternate review: the square button

the PC version has fuckin like 100 man matches, suck my dick and balls ea

edit: im sorry, after all this time i realize ive made a mistake. its not 100 man matches. its 600 man matches. ea can shove their head into the furthest reaches of their ass