boy am i glad i wasnt a metal gear fan in 2014

a great game for fans and newcomers alike

alan wake talks with the exact same cadence as patrick bateman

if there was a way to disable characters speaking this would be a 5/5

if i was luke "the lucky carder" carder and i found inscryption in the woods id leave it cuz that game is mid as hell

this shit is a cancer on the first page of my Played

emma stone was in this game for like ten minutes

nobody in their right mind thought this game was gonna be as good as it is

psychonauts 2 stars lol

leaps and bounds better than the first game but i still dunno what the hell you people get out of this tim schafer ass game. still i wouldnt call it miserable like i would the first game thanks to the steady pace not being broken by fucking backtracking and exp grinding missions, the levels all actually attempting -- and still kind of failing -- to maintain some sort of steady theme and purpose within the world (even if the milkman conspiracy was the best level in the first game that doesnt excuse the fifty million other levels with no narrative cohesion that sucked balls,) and making the combat less of a complete chore.

the level design is still complete dogshit since this game was built for children and the levitation ball can sequence break all the pseudo-cutscene "platforming" like the poles or trapeze swings (so much so that there were some invisible walls to keep me from doing that,) and this game still isn't a platformer. My biggest gripe with both of these games is still that the "platforming" remains to be the most mindless excuse for gameplay, essentially being a one-button affair and still keeping the levitation ability that keeps it so even if you somehow miss a platform in this platformer when the jump you make at the end is the same size and dimensions as the jumps you make at the beginning, you still won't miss the mark.

telling it like it is, laying down the law, this is a "pick shit up" game. but even that it fails at because picking shit up feels completely useless outside of the half-a-minds, the only collectables that serve any utilitarian purpose. everything else is filler that serves no purpose besides giving it a "mastered" status on

and the characters are still FUCK ugly except ford cruller

Positives. I liked the moments between the old characters since they were the only ones with personalities and for the first time in his godforsaken life, it feels like Tim Schafer really wanted to write a story with a theme in mind. He still didn't, but god bless him.
Compton's Cookoff was a really good level because it took the limited gameplay and put it under strict conditions: one room with several sporadic goals and a time limit. It got me excited to play the game and Compton is a sweet little man.
The trippy Antichamber shit they pull in this game can actually work sometimes and make for some genuinely pretty and impressive visuals.

this game isn't a slog to get through like the first one, almost being pretty enjoyable at times, but it's still not something that does anything particularly right besides having a wide variety of things to collect. for a game about maturity, things sure are almost exactly the fuckin' god damn same as they were in 2005


i just want one tmnt game with good combat

this game is like Yoko Taro’s wet dreams

i refuse to be beaten by a game that arin hanson can complete