ive never seen someone not like this game

why yes, mr chicken man. i do like hurting other people. quite a bit, actually. may i do it more

it pisses me off to no end that this game has a subtitle

this game is such a joke it's sequel had to be the best fucking action game ever made in order to make us forget about it.

alternate review: the square button

this game's wingsuit is actual genius and has ruined my standard for traversal in open world games


the video game incarnation of "fucking metal"

this game bangs, and while the story falls a little flat on the predictably sappy side, the rest of it is sick enough to more than make up for it

the first god of war game to really turn things around. god of war seemed to have a future of mediocrity until cory barlog took it by the goolies and decided that it should be one of the best action franchises ever instead

this is one of those games i could play a million times and never get bored. the original shadow of the colossus on ps2 wowed me several years before but this game's touches and absolutely breathtaking visuals make a game i thought to already be perfect even better. a necessary experience

the only flaw in this game is that you cant turn off the motion blur

in full transparency, i only think this game is "pretty good" as far as rockstar games go, but the story is absolutely incredible and any game that makes me cry gets automatic brownie points

also the low honor ending is the most fitting ending for everyone no matter how much your heart tells you otherwise

kinda proves the theory that Subspace Emissary is what made post-melee smash really special. still great fun on its own.