17 Reviews liked by MysteryBFDI

I was not oki doki after playing Doki doki, I’m gonna take a smoki doki because I played Doki Doki. Although I was Lowki Doki pretty impressed by Doki Doki.

Also I’m glad Doki Doki is free because I’m broki doki.

A much more story-focused game than other entries so those who like the lore of FNAF will love this game. Difficulty wise its one of the easier games, but not without its annoyances. Night 4 is single-handedly one of the most infuriating parts of this series. Despite being a noob to this series, this game wasn't too bad. for the most part.

I know you're here, Dracula, you big fucking nerd. Where's my goddamn child support?

This actually sucks, I could barely sit through it. This game bored the f*ck out of me, I fell asleep a few times. The story? Zzzzzz. Lackluster af.
Boring dull exploration, with terrible rewards.
Tedious, this isn't a frustrating game at all and should be used to help those who struggle to go to sleep.

This a terrible way to change up the repetitiveness of lego games and it's improved upon in their future lego games such as the Skywalker saga although that can get boring.

An overall pretty enjoyable game, which expands on the cryptic story the original Portal had and adds a bunch of new mechanics to keep things fresh during its runtime.

The first few chapters were a breeze, especially if you played the first game beforehand. The new mechanics introduced later can take some getting used to, but were for the most part pretty fun. However, the difficulty progression felt a bit uneven, as sometimes what felt like more difficult levels were placed before easier and more intuitive ones.

The feeling of mystery the first game had obviously couldn't be repeated, but the story works well and has some nice twists which left me surprised. Wheatley and GLaDOS were the highlights and I really enjoyed both their characters.

Personally, I felt like the game somewhat dragged on in chapters 7 and 8, but picked up to deliver a pretty good ending in chapter 9.

What if Counter-Strike was shitty and inconsistent?

Not for me at all, game is mid imo but I see a lot of bad bitches play this so I'll give it the benefit of the doubt 1.5 stars

For your own sake, just play Star Rail instead. The "game" part of Genshin is so unbelievably dull and grindy, the only saving grace of this game is the presentation. Artstyle, character designs and music are very good, but it's just not fun to play as a game.

I keep trying to convince people to play this with me and I just keep losing friends

Incredible soundtrack and sprite work but I can't believe how long the levels are in this thing. People have really cracked how to make a good modern beat 'em up in recent years but this is sadly from before that happened.

1 like = 1 sperm to fertilize scott pilgrum

Campaign was downright awful. Literally such a spit in the face of what a lot of gamers everywhere can agree was a legendary story with the OG MW series. The OCMs don't work; part of what made MW campaigns great was feeling like you're a part of a larger team of people fighting a war breaking out. Now you're just jumping around searching for loot boxes all by yourself? Not to mention that cheap, incomplete ending. I'm convinced this script/story was written on the back of a McDonald's napkin one night instead of on a computer or notebook. Utter garbage. Instead of putting time and effort into seizure-enducing skins and bundles, maybe put effort into the story.

The only part of the game I had some fun with was Zombies, hence why I've added some stars to my review. But even then some of the objectives to complete the "acts" are super tedious. Zombies here can be fun if you make it fun, but it doesn't excuse the rest of the poor effort put into the game. Multiplayer, apart from initial bugs was fine, but it truly didn't need to be a separate release from MWII—it could've just been a larger update/overhaul for the 2022 game without the shameless $70 fee... I cannot judge the people who are still playing BOCW in 2023.

Massive blunder for the campaign. Definitely not enough interesting happening in MP or Zombies to make up for it either. Thank god I was able to refund it.

Miu's hot but is it really worth it

star off for microtransactions - they suck actual ass

four stars for nagito komaeda - he can suck my ass ;)