One of the best artstyles in the industry, a wide variety of cool and unique characters, and of course super satisfying fighting. The tutorial also has a lot of work put into it that I really appreciate even if I knew a lot of it already. I also really love all the work put into characters intro/victory screens and instakills. Arcade mode is pretty much what you expect but MOM mode is a bit too complicated for me. The lobby system is really cute as well. My only standout issue with Xrd is that some of the voices are annoying for me like May and Jam's. Jam's voice in particular pretty much makes her unplayable for me. Rollback would be nice.

Very nice and soulful rhythm platformer. The artstyle and story are very charming and the music is great (as it should be, since it's a rhythm game). Mad Rat's character development isn't anything groundbreaking but it's still pretty heartwarming watching him come to terms with his fate and use his last day to help people. Also the rat god's design is super cute. The game had a nice earthbound-ish "enter your name" moment as well and I always appreciate those. The gameplay is a little bit of a mixed bag for me. Having to line up jumps and dashes with the beat is satisfying most of the time but in the more difficult sections it can feel like a frustrating limitation, particularly when the beat suddenly slows down at certain points in each song breaking the sense of rhythm and almost always resulting in a quick death which really hurts the flow.

Pretty comfy game to play in bed. Solid but had a really strong unimpressed feeling of "Yep, that's kirby on the 3DS" like with Super Mario 3D Land. I'm not a big fan of how kirby controls since he's floaty but the robot felt better and it kinda just made me wish they made a new IP where you play as the robot without the lame kirby baggage. I think the game kind of overused the switching of front and back layers since DK already thoroughly explored that, but some stages were more fun like the car segments and remote-controlled kirbys (kirbies?). The game also looked fairly nice for a 3DS game.

Even though I prefer 3H and awakening it's nice getting the classic FE vibes back once in a while and echoes provides quite well in that respect. The artstyle and character designs are great and I really wish the artist worked on more FE games. There are a lot of weird aspects like dungeon crawling and magic costing HP. The dungeon-crawling is very underdeveloped and might as well not even be in the game. I never really cared for weapon durability so I don't mind it not being included and magic costing HP seems like a fine enough system. The story isn't really anything special and the characters are serviceable but the dialogue is pretty well-written and the voice acting is solid. It's also cool that you get to control two separate armies led by 2 different lords for most of the game. The absolute biggest problem with the game and the thing that led me to drop it is the garbage map design. An absurd amount of maps in echoes are just mostly flat maps with hordes of enemies clumped together in big groups in random spots. When they do try to get creative it tends to result in obnoxious poison swamp maps that aren't enjoyable in the least. The difficulty annoyingly ramps up in the later acts as well and even though it can technically be alleviated by grinding in the dungeons, I'd rather not subject myself to the tedium.

Extremely impressive game and certainly the best in vanillaware's catalog. 13 sentinels has an incredibly complex, interesting, and well-put-together sci-fi plot with tons of surprising twists and good character moments. Nearly all of the characters are likable and distinct and their individual story routes all have unique vibes to them giving the story a good sense of variety. The only route I wasn't a huge fan of was Iori's because the ways to progress could be very obtuse like feeding the cat at the intersection. The writing and voice-acting were very natural and I was enthralled the whole way through. The art was beautiful as it always is with vanillaware and this was clearly the best of their efforts so far. The music was fitting and generally solid with some awesome combat tracks that helped liven up the otherwise easy steamrolling. The one thing really holding it back from being a straight 10 is the combat which was clearly an afterthought. Sentry guns and interceptors completely decimate any and all challenges with ease and while it can be satisfying to blow everything to smithereens without lifting a finger, it does make the battles lose their sense of urgency and strategy. Also I really like giant robots so it's a big shame to me that everything in the battles are just represented by colorful icons instead of actually getting to see the mechs fight. That being said, the game is certainly primarily a visual novel so the lacking nature of the combat doesn't impact the overall enjoyment too much.

Pretty fun whacky shmup. Mostly carried by its interesting boss designs but it was a good time. Nice music too.

It's an improvement over the last one in pretty much every way. More interesting and flashy stages/bosses and I get to play as a cute bunny girl. You can really feel the team's love for gradius and shmups in general.

Not much to say, it's better than Gokujou with even wilder stages and bosses. Even had a neat lightgun segment even though it was a bit too much to keep track of on screen. Also the new blonde girl is super cute.

Peak parodius with the best visual style so far. The missions are an interesting way to vary things up though they're not very complex and the coin-collecting ones were unusually difficult. The mission ending CGs were cute and really added more charm to an already-soulful series. I was a bit disappointed I couldn't play as the blonde girl from Jikkyo but Hikaru is cute enough. Also cool that one of the levels was castlevania-based.

It's a fun puzzle game with cute characters. I'm biased toward it because I actually won in it but I still don't know a thing about setting up chains. Pretty fun to play casually though.

Fun to play and has a cute cast of characters. My only real complaint is that the characters don't really feel that different to play. The only major difference is in their special attacks and since those all take place on your opponent's side it doesn't really make your experience all that different.

Fun fighting game but playing it after MSH vs Street Fighter just makes it feel underwhelming. I also found the infinity stones kind of annoying since they just force your opponent into being defensive half the time and they rarely feel earned.

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I had my doubts for this game when it was initially revealed due to the turn-based gameplay, but it ended up being one of my favorite Yakuza games. The gameplay is surprisingly smooth and enjoyable despite it being the team's first foray into turn-based combat. Battles rarely take too long and the fleshed-out job system allows for plenty of variety. The environmental aspect of the combat is neat and hitting enemies with nearby objects is satisfying but there were plenty of times characters would either start way too far from the fight and have to waste time running to everyone else on their turn, or party members/enemies would get caught on walls and run into them for 10 seconds before teleporting to their targets which was annoying and awkward. It was also annoyingly difficult to avoid running into enemies on the map which became a nuisance when they were too low-level to grant meaningful exp. Difficulty was largely well-balanced aside from Majima, Saejima and Kiryu which forced me to grind for a couple hours. The characters were a big part of what made the game great. The entire party is very likable and I ended up having trouble choosing who to put in my party because I enjoyed all of them. Ichiban is a very endearing protagonist and his hard-headed and overbearing yet charismatic nature was a welcome breath of fresh air after Kiryu's stoic personality. Watching Ichiban, Nanba and the others grow over the course of the game was great and really aligned well with the genre shift to JRPG. The story is continuously engaging with plenty of twists and turns (although the coin locker twist was hilariously silly). They actually managed to keep the political aspect of the story interesting by having Ichiban directly linked to Masato and it made for a very emotional final confrontation and ending. I would say the only weak parts of the story were that the party's motivations could feel unconvincing at times since there's really not much reason for the player to care about Nonomiya, and the section focused on the Ijin Three went on for a bit too long. Aside from the main plot, the substories are as fun as ever and make it a joy to go around the massive map of Ijincho. The vocational school and its trivia quizzes were also a very fun inclusion. The management minigame was kind of fun but I didn't really like how it was the only way to get a substantial amount of money for most of the game, especially since money is far more important in this game due to the need for equipment. Lastly I need to note that I played the game with the english dub since dubbed yakuza is pretty fresh and I play most games in english anyways. The dub cast did a great job, particularly Ichiban and Nanba's VAs who really sold their characters in the emotional moments. The only one who really noticeably fell flat was Kiryu and that's even putting aside the weirdness of just hearing him in english. I was impressed that they went through the trouble of dubbing the karaoke songs as well but most of them were pretty awkward with Adachi not even sounding like his speaking voice. Nanba's Baka Mitai was pretty good though. Other gripes would be that a lot of minor characters like grunt enemies and cutscene crowds weren't dubbed which can be kind of jarring. Overall I had a great time with this game and would gladly play a sequel with Ichiban going forward.

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It was certainly one of the weakest entries but was still pretty enjoyable. The cases are solid but never reach the average level of quality in the other games often due to a lackluster conclusion, lack of ingenuity on Apollo's part, or predictable twists. The 3rd case is a nice microcosm of the game's quality since it has an interesting premise and the twists (Lamiroir/Machi's abilities to see and speak, the reversal of the song lyrics) are intriguing and make for a good mystery. It also has plenty of fun back-and-forths between Apollo and Gavin. However the case was bogged down by an unreasonable amount of flashbacks, very weak killer motivation, and some baffling unanswered questions (if it's quickly established the murder was done with a revolver that would dislocate the shoulder of an untrained adult when fired, why are you trying a child who's completely uninjured?). Regardless, while most of the cases suffer from these types of issues, the first case is one of the stronger ones in the series so I definitely give it credit for that. The characters are as charming as ever with the exception of the unnerving reporter in the final case. Gavin is a fun prosecutor who's full of personality but he helps Apollo too much and I even like hobo Wright despite it being silly that they let him oversee the new judicial system after being discharged for forgery. Apollo and Trucy have really good designs but for all intents and purposes they might as well be the old Phoenix and Maya (though Trucy at least has the magic aspect which earns her a few points in my book). While Apollo is generally competent, it does feel like others take a lot of the glory from him, Phoenix especially basically solves the first and last cases which really devalues Apollo's protagonist role. I also thought the choice offered at the end of the last case was very silly since nobody in their right might would ever vote Vera guilty unless they were just curious about the bad ending. The decisive choice in JFA's last case was much stronger. Apollo's bracelet gimmick is interesting but a lot of the time it feels unreasonable that the witness in question would confess things just because Apollo saw their eye twitch when they mentioned the murder weapon. The music is still great as always and the 3DS's HD version of the game looks unusually fantastic compared to the weird-looking filtered sprites in the HD trilogy.

I don't know if I'm just too stupid for the battle system or it sucks or what, either way I really didn't enjoy it. Also really not a fan of the redesigns and voice acting.