Gamescom Opening Night Live 2023 - Nancyfly Thoughts

there was a lot shown and quite frankly a lot i didnt care much for so this isnt a comprehensive reaction just the stuff that i am most interested in saying something about

Very skeptical about this game but it looks absolutely insane. Will def keep an eye on this
now i finally have a reason to force myself to play ln2
looks pretty cute, actually
idk what the hell this is but i'm up for it
im such a sucker for call of duty, sorry not sorry <3
mwii was a little disappointing so hopefully this is better.

i wonder if gamepass is still on the table
underwater game is cool :3
This trailer wasnt really interesting. not even a date or platforms. Enemy design is cool but ive about had my fill of soulslikes
already looking forward to this one, but this trailer seemed like the game might actually be scary? Really need my survival horror games to have more horror
as a certified 2d sonic disliker, this game looks kinda good

but it coming out in October is ridiculous. Month is too stacked, I cant
Don't care about the dlc but they did also announce a 2.0 update. if that changes things enough i may be willing to give the game a third try.
sorry Tekken 8, January 2024 is for beating 2023 games. You're gonna have to wait. will play eventually if the story is good though
unfortunate the reviews are pretty middling on this one, im probably gonna skip it
im still pretty sad no cassie cage but this game looks great. Sindel is hot as hell
idc im gonna play this and im gonna like it
don't have time for this <3
i know i said im kinda tired of souls likes but Dark Souls 4 looks sick as hell.

They havent shown a single female character in any trailer tho, even when highlighting character creator and lowkey that pisses me off. Nevermind the fact the other game of the same name was abysmal, but maybe this will be better. it certainly looks as much


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