36 Reviews liked by NateDrake

То чувство, когда только зашел в игру только видишь главное меню а уже понимаешь, что игра ебанный кал 😃👍

fight wife
wife fights back
kill wife
wife gone

I think I came in my trousers this game is pretty cool

An absolutely incredible experience from start to finish.

After Stardew came out, it seems like every independently made game has to either be a cozy farm sim, or it must have farming elements. Unfortunatly for those games, Stardew is an actual good game. One that takes inspiration from other great games and instead of copying them completely, builds off of those ideas and creates even better ones. Eric Barone is a Genius.

Score: 4.6/5
Letter Grade: A+



This game has probably the most impressive physics in video game history, but they couldn’t make a simple animation to pet the dog?

I had to put my 13 year old dog down (seriously) during my playthrough of this game, and all I wanted to do was pet the dog.

Please Nintendo. It would take some intern like an hour to program the animation. Please let me pet the dog.

In Memory of Tori
April 7th, 2010 - May 24th, 2023

Великолепный слешер шикарной серии. Очень комплексная, но невероятно веселая боевая система. Играть интересно за всех персонажей. Возможно чуть меньше за V, ибо он довольно неудобный в управлении. Нэро веселый в плане геймплея, но у него чуть меньше механик. Данте просто бомба! Такой веселой боевки больше нет ни у кого из троицы. Ну и как забыть Вергилия, чей мувсет адская имба! Может крошить орды демонов за секунды. Самый веселый в плане геймплея персонаж игры. С его добавлением в игру вдохнули вторую жизнь лично для меня. До этого играл в версию на PS4, но Special Edition выглядит и играется в разы приятнее. И добавление Вергилия делает эту версию априори лучше в разы! Очень советую к прохождению. Уверен что я еще не раз в нее вернусь, хотя бы ради удовольствия сыграть за Вергилия)

This really isn't a bad game. Not at all. In fact, I'd argue it's pretty fun. But there's a reason I don't often go for games like this and this was a stark reminder. Crash Team Rumble was fun for a few hours once I realized that it's all that the game is, I lost interest to keep playing. And that's probably just a 'me' problem. It's very rare that a multiplayer loop has keep me engaged for a long time (Halo being a notable exception). Even with the different playable characters and maps, it just kind of felt like I had seen most of what this game has to offer and I don't really think I'll go back to it.

But it's really not bad! If this is your thing I'm sure you'll have a great time. I just think other Crash games are much more re-playable and this one probably needs that the most.



I finally got around to this after the announcement that is leaving Playstation Plus shortly.

I think Stray is a good game that sticks out because of two elements; the purr-tagonist and the design of the world. It's genuinely fun to explore because the setting is so interesting. I think without this element then the catch of playing as a cute cat would get old really quick. I also think the game is at a very appropriate length for what it is.

I don't think it is completely engaging on a gameplay level but provides you with enough to stay invested from beginning to end and it is absolutely worth a play, especially if you have PS Plus.

Platinum trophy # 133
Platinum #9 of 2023

По первым впечатлениям игра очень и очень хороша. Режим управления для новичков жанра очень удобный и позволяет не ломать пальцы, набирая супер удары. Довольно забавная механика боя с почти любым прохожим в режиме World Tour. Обновлю по ходу прохождения игры

ебать навалили кинца

I'm not going to go on and on about why Final Fantasy IV is one of my favorite games of all time (2nd to be exact, see my note on my Top 100 Favorites Games List). This game means so much to me, and pixel remaster is a wonderful way for you to jump in. My recommendations for you, fix the font to classic (this should be done for all the titles) and set the soundtrack to original instead of arrangement (I'd recommend arrangement for 1-3 but please please experience this GOAT soundtrack in its original form). From there, just get lost in the story and the characters and the world and everything that comes with it. This game lived endlessly in my imagination when I was a kid. This showed me what video games can be.

Platinum trophy #132
Platinum #8 of 2023

So I 'beat' this game after playing it for a few days but fill disclosure, I only played through it once and the game wants you to play through it again to fully experience it. So my thoughts on this game do not represent a thorough experience with it but I played it for enough time to have some thoughts.

I liked it! The basic mechanics are fun. It's incredibly Castlevania inspired if you couldn't tell. I liked playing as Shinobu a lot because having a gun in a game like this is a fun way to spice up the formula. I like the art, particularly with some of the bosses. It's a shorter game that helped get me out of a month-long gaming hiatus and a good time killer until Final Fantasy XVI comes out.

The map system is a little pointlessly archaic. You can only view it when you engage with fast travel and you can only fast travel at the beginning of each stage, which was a bummer. I have to be honest, I wasn't really inspired to go completionist with this one. I did not use a guide and I missed every secret area in every level. Oops!

Overall a good time with some flaws that I wouldn't completely recommend but I also wouldn't advise against!

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