Silent Hill 2 for people who like John Woo movies.

Jokes aside, this game is just perfect. Remedy's best game (I have not played Alan Wake 2 yet, will need a better PC before I get to it) and one of the best games of all time. There aren't many third person shooters that feel as satisfying as this.

''Max Payne's journey through the night continues.'' ... Welp, too bad it wasn't in the way they probably intended. lol

''I don't know about angels, but it's fear that gives men wings''.

What a lovely game. Hasn't aged a day for me personally, one of the coolest shooters from this era and endlessly quotable with a really good story.

At times i'm not sure if I prefer this or Max Payne 2, but that one has a ton of gameplay improvements over this so that helps. Can't wait to revisit that game too.

So good, so addictive. But holy fuck it's so difficult as well.

A prime example of a game that's easy to learn but hard to master, you better get the hang of ultimate charges when you reach the extreme battle races. Has great music, graphics and rly nice performance for a PS3 launch title too!

It's a very frustrating game though, which is why I won't give it a perfect rating. The extreme battles require absolute PERFECTION from you and it can make the game feel very annoying and repetitive. Oh well, I reached 90% completion in the grand prix at least so I guess I did have a decent run.

Really cool leap into the PS3/360 generation. Might be a lot easier than previous games (specially when compared to Last Raven) but I gladly welcomed this, made it for a pretty fun and chill experience.... For the most part, but i'll get to that later.

This game is fast. The ACs in this are the most agile they ever been up to this point and it's great, it even helps that missions can be completed really quickly so the game never loses steam in its pacing. Might make it a bit shorter than usual but it never outstays its welcome.

The customization in this series is notoriously deep, but this one takes it even further with how stability and tuning works. Might be overwhelming at first but as soon as you figure out you'll be able to create some craaazy powerful ACs in this. I do miss optional parts but at least it doesn't seem all that necessary anymore.

The game is a bit of a mixed bag in terms of the visual department, though. I do like the minimalist aesthetic the menus go for but I imagine it can look a bit boring to a lot of people. The game also has this weird depth of field effect which I wish it didn't have for some long-distance target missions. Could've used some stage variety as well.

The OST in this kicks so much ass. Just a lovely mix of orchestras with j-rock, it contrasts rly well with the grittyness of the game.

I'd say my biggest issue with this game is when I was attempting to 100% it. S-ranks in this can be a pain in the ass since they're very specific and the hard mode variants specially don't feel play-tested at all, ranging from being piss-easy to insanely difficult to the point where doing some of them perfectly felt like pure luck.

Oh, I guess this game has an arena too. I honestly didn't even notice it until I first beated the game... And it's also a bit too easy. Some weapons in this feel pretty broken against other ACs so a lot of the fights lasted less than 30 seconds. Really weird considering the Arena was a huge challenge in the previous entries.

Looking aside those flaws, I rly enjoyed this game! It also felt pretty playable in rpcs3 so that's a good way to try it out.

Gave it a shot since it's free for a week as i'm writing this.

Honestly really cool and I was really into the story, felt very cinematic as someone who's only used to D1 and D2. The skilltree is a bit streamlined but the combat felt quite nice at least. I also liked how open this game feels compared to the older entries, I was quite impressed.

It just... Didn't convince me to buy the full game. $349 BRL at full price (not to mention this has the gall to have a battlepass system??) is just not worth that at all for something like this.

Maybe i'll fully play this someday when the price is far lower.

A masterpiece. One of the best PS2 games out there, just an incredible challenge all around. Would be 5 stars for me personally if it wasn't a bit too bloated (requires too many playthroughs to get all missions).

Final Zinaida is one of the best boss fights out there.

Wow... I'm actually speechless by how good this game was. Going from a game that I nearly hated completely to something ALMOST perfect.

They improved upon everything from the first game. Combat is far more polished and satisfying, superior visuals, far less linear and most important of all: The story is very strong here. While not as dark or grimy as the first game, it still delivers in offering a pretty strong psychological and surreal experience.

Aside from how nicely directed the cutscenes are, the cast feel like actual characters now. I really cared about Sebastian in this one, compared to how much of a husk he was in the first one. Even supporting characters like Kidman, Myra and Alpha Team are pretty interesting in their own ways and made me root for them to make it to the end.

The villains could've been better developed but they're all pretty entertaining to watch at least, Stefano being the main highlight. By the way, did you know he's a tumblr sexyman? You'll only find art of him in the game's tag. lol

If I have any complaints... The game can be glitchy as heck. Kinda led to a couple of deaths or immersion breaking moments while playing. The game is also not particularly difficult in the normal difficulty once you start getting upgrades and is also pretty forgiving on giving you ammo. And worst of all: Playing the first game + DLCs feel required for understanding this game's story. Good luck with that shit! At least you'll have a good payoff for when you get to this one.

What an incredible action horror game, honestly. We better get a third game someday.

Pretty good! Not as tight as the Resident Evil games but it's very impressive for the time and generally pretty well designed.

Pretty neat story and a lot of quality of life changes over the RE series in terms of gameplay, not to mention how it doesn't use pre-rendered backgrounds so it feels very cinematic (even more so than Code Veronica, somehow).

What holds it back for me is the fact that raptors respawn, the third half of the game has a lot of annoying backtracking and there isn't any real boss fights in this (the T-Rex sequences are very scripted). The item boxes are also very confusing and making weapons have a maximum amount of ammo is a very odd choice tbh.

I recommend looking for the Source Next PC version and then modding it with Classic REbirth. Looks real pretty in widescreen!

It just made wish I was playing the original RE4 instead.

An unique little game. Requires some patience but if you're willing to just take it slow and breathe in some of the surreal and depressing imagery this game gives, i think you're in for a treat. Helps that there's random events and very deep secrets in this outside of the main ''objective'' (getting all of the effects, I suppose) so there's reason to come back for another playthrough or two.

Similar to Silent Hill 2 in how I found comfort in its atmosphere.

Just a cool as fuck game. Quite well written with some pretty dark and bleak atmosphere, specially when accompanied by the excellent soundtrack. Gotta love how much of a compelling anti-hero Kain is, too.

Loses a star just for outstaying its welcome, however. The last couple of dungeons do drag a lot with some annoying enemies, teleporters and overall length. The ending could've been a little more satisfying, too.

I'm sure there's a great story in here but I just couldn't stand the gameplay at all. So fucking dull for the most part and the combat is just god awful, I straight up gave up at the boss fight in the mermaid chapter.

Real shame considering the overal presentation is very good.

Lovely DLC. Improves over the original Separate Ways and mixes in a lot of the cut segments from the base game into this one's story. There's even some new segments that will really surprise oldheads! It's shocking to get something this polished and decently lenghty as DLC (specially considering this manages to be more substantial than the turd that was the RE3 remake).

The gameplay of base RE4R was already amazing and Ada's unique skills make it even more impeccable somehow. The grappling hook tricks and her finishing moves make her a very agile and fun character, I recommend taking her up for a spin in Mercenaries mode to get a feel for it first.

If I have any complaints... Welp, I guess there's the elephant in the room: Ada's VA still can't act for shit and is even more obvious when she's in the spotlight of the story. But i'll leave it at that considering the internet beated this dead horse already. Other than that, Professional mode was pretty painful for the wrong reasons, the level design doesn't quite compliment it very well and since Ada is made of thin paper one mistake will likely get you killed. Sure made getting the S+ ranking a bit of a nightmare for me.

Very minor complaints, really. So if you loved the base game already i'm sure you'll love this too. Go get it!

Complete total bonkers. One of the most absurd horror (?) experiences i've played in a long time and I kinda loved it for it. Can't think of many games that are like this, A weird mixture of gothic horror, time travel, ghost stories and... Mahou Shoujo, of all things. The cutscenes are very entertaining and the acting is extremely over the top, specially thanks to how fluid the mocap is.

It's very flawed, however. The purser A.I. is broken and is a complete pest throughout the whole game, there's barely any quiet time due to how often they show up and it tends to make a lot of the puzzles pretty annoying (and I'm pretty sure I haven't done anything wrong either, I would finally avoid them and they show up like 10 seconds afterwards no matter how quiet I was).

A very interesting experience, but don't go in expecting a traditional horror game.