It’s short but I think that’s good because it doesn’t over stay it’s welcome. The games are fun and I like the menu set up, it reminds me of Mii Plaza.

I enjoyed it for the most part. The controls made me put it down though. Did anyone else have issues trying to aim at things. I seemed to just be missing ghosts even though I seemed to be directly in front of them.

I think that Mario games could learn something from this. I think there are ideas in here that Modernise a Platformer. Like the shop. Having something to use your coins for, and not just that but also being able to buy upgrades with that. The Mario platformers just let coins tick up in the corner. Pointless.

My big issue is collecting all the Toads to unlock the final boss. I’m not doing it because I have better things to do with my time. There are so many toads, I’d be there hours. Making collectibles integral to the game defeats the purpose for me. They should be a side thing that will net you something worth while for your effort, not unlock the ending to a game.

I don’t know how much I really like 2-D Sonic and this game didn’t help to clear that up. It’s very fast and constantly moving like you’d expect. The boost is great but has so strange limitations like not being about to use when in the air.

The story is there. It is just the same as it ever was mostly.

Blaze was a great addition and I honestly think games where you can play as more than just Sonic are better games. It adds more depth. Even having Cream as her partner. It’s so much better than just having Sonic and then maybe Tails if we are lucky.

The levels are the standard Water, green, metal,ect but the one I really hated was the sky one, Zone 6 for Sonic. It was just a nightmare. Maybe I’m just awful at games but I was stuck in bottom less pit hell for so long. One wrong move and you were dead. It drove me insane.

My other issue is the bosses. The way they play are strange. They get faster as you take more of their health, so when you stun them they won’t stay stunned for very long if they have 1HP but it goes too far and you need lightnight reflexes to land a hit, especially since the hit boxes are all over the place and on top of all that, many of them use 1 hit K.Os which is just awful.

I’m so confused? Maybe I was playing the game wrong but I was just stuck in an endless loop of Bulbasaur and Roselia.

Omg if you thought tank controls on a controller were bad then stay far away from this game. It’s like driving a car with your knees, so so strange.

I think this is a fun game especially if you are willing to be patient with it. I was not. It’s very clunky and the main characters just sort of wanders around and doesn’t run. I felt like he was going to look for a new top or something, not running from zombies. The controls are a little dated which is fair enough since it’s from 2006. I just wanted it to feel a little bit better when playing

It was super quick and breezy. Perfect for something to do when you have nothing else on. The little stories between rounds add so much charm to the game and the games are so fun.

There isn’t just story mode but also challenge rooms and missions to complete so there is still plenty to do even after the credits.

I’ll definitely play again

It’s cute and quick. I love going back to games where characters originated. It’s fun to see what the game was originally made like.

Definitely play it if you have a spare 30 minutes.

I liked this game. It was fun enough for a while but there was so much to do I just gave up and went for the end.

This game is huge. There is so much to do. Every single part of the map has something for you to do but the issue is that not all of it is meaningful. A lot of it is pointless from what I found. Especially the old world gadgets. You complete simple puzzles and then...thats it. I don't understand what they are there for. I couldn't believe how many variants there were because they were the single most pointless thing in this game.

I think the combat is pretty good. I know people seemed not to like it but I think its not too bad. It's simple. I did have an issue where a certain move seemed to glitch out 3 out of 5 times when Id use it.

One of my issues was traversal but mainly fast travel points and hills.

Fast travel points seem really scattershot around. There are clusters of them but then areas that don't have one for miles. And hills...I'm saying hills but I mean any slight incline in the game. It is so annoying to walk up any surface that isn't flat because you will constantly slide down it. Even like a tiny tiny hill. It was infuriating.

But not more infuriating than the final boss. The final boss has 6 phases which is insane in its self but then to make it even worse...they are all the same and then to make it even even more worse. You have already fought him in the middle of the game in a 3 phrase fight already. It was absolute insane to me.

I’m pretty shocked that I’m shelving this because I adore P5R and P3P is one of my favourite games.

This just didn’t gel with me at all. I love the small town setting and the story was interesting but I just didn’t enjoy it like I did the other games. I just felt like the combat was really boring. It Like it just wanted me to find weakness which yeah the others do that but this one just didn’t work.

I think I even like P1’s battles more than this. It just seemed heavy where as the P3 and especially 5 are so light and breezy with combat.

I really hope this comes out on ps4/5 because I want to try again and I am hoping they give it a fresh coat of paint, tighten some bits up and then it’ll finally connect.


I’m pretty sad that I didn’t love this game. It looked very cute and had so much potential.

It looked really peaceful and I love the atmosphere but omg the controls.

Walking feels like Meredith is walking through toffee. It’s so so so sluggish and painful. Walking across a cul-de-sac is that slow I would find myself getting into the van to cross the road.

The van is better but not perfect either. The controls once again just don’t feel good. The best way I can describe it is, it feels like trying to steer a shopping cart full of heavy things.

The story is sweet and I did really enjoy the “world” but it was just painful. I think I had 4 days left but the thought of having to trudge though 4 days worth of post made me turn the game off.

I got about halfway and just didn’t have the energy to finish. It’s such a dialogue heavy game which isn’t bad but it would take hours upon hours to sit there and read it all.

It is also to “stop,start,stop” for me. Every single thing you do causes a cutscene. The gameplay is so insanely fun I just want to play! But everything has long text heavy scenes.

Games like persona are also very text heavy but I think I know the reason they work for me where as this doesn’t.

Persona is structured like “text, social gameplay, text, social gameplay, text, social game play, text, dungeon gameplay”

Cold Steel is just “text,text,text,text,gameplay,text,text,text”

It needs more freedom, because my other issue is that it was so on rails. Because there was a calendar but you could only play on set carved out, scripted days, it felt very forced.

The writing probably makes no sense but something just didn’t work for me which is annoying because I loved the combat and the characters! Even the world!

It was really boring. I actually felt the same way about DMC1 but then it finally clicked with me and I was like “oh I get it” but this one just didn’t click. It’s like a stripped back version of DMC1, which is a pretty stripped back game to begin with.

The upgrade system has been diluted which is just boring. Why would you make a mechanic worse than it was previously? That makes no sense.

The story was also none existent. It was like DMC1 story but this time the bad guy had wolves.

I think I liked this better than Man of Medan but it still isn’t getting to Until Dawn levels for me. The ending too…I am not sure it was the best idea to do that…