I wish that the Ys games were a little bit more available because every time I play one I fall in love with the series.

This was such a good game. I think the world they built using this island was a perfect idea. It gives such a rewarding gameplay loop that isn't overwhelming in the slightest. You want to do everything you can possibly do to build your village up so you look for more castaways, while you do that you find materials that you can use to upgrade things, then when you have done that you will be strong enough to participate in a raid or hunt. And it just keeps going.

It's such a strong loop that you can get stuck in it for hours at a time! The story is interesting but for me the main draw was the gameplay.

The combat is quick and breezy. The exploration is the same. Everything is such a joy to do that you will happy do it.

The one area where I can't say this is the solo Dana sections. These sometimes made me roll my eyes when I saw one coming up. They just kill the pace and it doesn't really work with the deserted island feel.

But apart from that. This was amazing.

I went into this game being as fair as possible but I now understand why everyone hates it.

I think it fails completely as a Platformer. Look at any other game in the genre, this game is just missing everything from them. It uses a control stick and one button. Like it’s being played an Atari. Absolutely insane. X,triangle, circle, square- they all do the same action. To make it even more frustrating and useless, the your current power does an action that doesn’t include jumping when you press the button, then it can’t jump. In a platformer.

It’s not even like the metal cap in 64 where it’s one single power handicaps jumping and makes sense since you are made of metal. No this game just doesn’t let you just for no reason. And to make it even worse again, there isn’t a double jump?

It has fun ideas like the Tims but they are just not fleshed out and you are given no sort of idea or reason to why they are there or why you should feed them.

The game just feels dated. Like it came out in like 2004.

It doesn’t help that I just played Kirby and the Forgotten Land. This is the perfect version of Balan wonder world. It has costume abilities, tons of content, looks amazing. It only has just over 10 abilities but they are all so unique. This game has like 60 or something insane but they are just boring, and don’t get attached to them because you will be using them in 1 level and then you will never see them again unless you go back into that level to collect it, then venture into another level with the power up. But be careful because if you get hit 1 single time you will loose the suit and have to go back and get it again.

This game is the perfect storm for me. It’s got so many different elements that I love. It’s farming, monster raising, life sim. There are so many elements.

The story is sweet and all the characters are great. You get to know everyone so much and it makes the whole town feel so alive.

The farming is great. The dungeons are great. It has insane QoL features. The trophy room under the castle has so much. Difficulty settings, fan art, record keeping. It’s such a great idea.

My one slight issue is the town events. Because they are random, they can cause a little bit of frustration especially when you need a certain event but keep getting a different one.

It’s a fun couple of hours. It’s got a charm because so many of us played it when we were younger.

I kind of enjoy the shortness of the game. It’s a complete it in one play session sort of game. And since it’s on NSO now I thought I should play though it again.

It’s just full of charm

I think that Mario games could learn something from this. I think there are ideas in here that Modernise a Platformer. Like the shop. Having something to use your coins for, and not just that but also being able to buy upgrades with that. The Mario platformers just let coins tick up in the corner. Pointless.

My big issue is collecting all the Toads to unlock the final boss. I’m not doing it because I have better things to do with my time. There are so many toads, I’d be there hours. Making collectibles integral to the game defeats the purpose for me. They should be a side thing that will net you something worth while for your effort, not unlock the ending to a game.

I liked Kirby before I played this game but now I think I love him.

This was so much fun. Everything about it was just so lovingly and joyfully made. The world looks fantastic. It’s such a contrast to the silliness of Kirby. The whole game is just full of extra little details that add to charm. In Kirby’s house there is a book giving details about past games. It doesn’t do much but it’s things like this that show how much care for this character the people making the game have.

The gameplay is fun and the game is pretty easy, however making it harder is the lost waddledee missions and the challenge road levels. The challenge road levels can range from easy to hair pulling annoying if you are trying to get the target time. But this is nice to have as an extra in a laidback game.

The story is also really good. It’s basic until the end but the end is so so good. The whole ending sequence was just so exciting and fun.

There is so much to do with all the collectibles figures that give you little bits of flavour text about the world, mini games and shops in town, ability upgrades.

Then when the credits roll there is a whole other chunk of story as well some other things.

Definitely worth your time.

There is so much content packed into this game. It’s pretty impressive. It has lots of collectibles with a super easy system to help you keep track of them.

It’s on the easy side obviously but it’s one of them games that is like a mindless relaxing game. When you are a little tired and don’t want to focus too much. It’s really fun.

I love how much customisation there is, how much things to do. You even get a notification when you 100% the game saying another mode has opened. I think the people who made this really cared about the project.

I also love the squeak squad, I think they are fun designs.

It was like a warm hug. Such a sweet simple game that I wish I could play again for the first time. Really nostalgic for absolutely no reason. It is just so wholesome.

This game is very enjoyable. I love how alive the world feels and how much impact you can make on it. The quests are fun (Apart from the insane amount of 'kill XX monsters") quests.

The world is so big and beautiful. I love the freedom you have when exploring. There is so much to find and see.

My only issue was the difficult towards the end, but there is always casual mode. I also like the world of the bionis much more than the other world. That is completely just my own bias, because I like nature much more than machines worlds.

I'm excited to play the other games.

Omg if you thought tank controls on a controller were bad then stay far away from this game. It’s like driving a car with your knees, so so strange.

I enjoyed it for the most part. The controls made me put it down though. Did anyone else have issues trying to aim at things. I seemed to just be missing ghosts even though I seemed to be directly in front of them.

It’s short but I think that’s good because it doesn’t over stay it’s welcome. The games are fun and I like the menu set up, it reminds me of Mii Plaza.

I don’t know how much I really like 2-D Sonic and this game didn’t help to clear that up. It’s very fast and constantly moving like you’d expect. The boost is great but has so strange limitations like not being about to use when in the air.

The story is there. It is just the same as it ever was mostly.

Blaze was a great addition and I honestly think games where you can play as more than just Sonic are better games. It adds more depth. Even having Cream as her partner. It’s so much better than just having Sonic and then maybe Tails if we are lucky.

The levels are the standard Water, green, metal,ect but the one I really hated was the sky one, Zone 6 for Sonic. It was just a nightmare. Maybe I’m just awful at games but I was stuck in bottom less pit hell for so long. One wrong move and you were dead. It drove me insane.

My other issue is the bosses. The way they play are strange. They get faster as you take more of their health, so when you stun them they won’t stay stunned for very long if they have 1HP but it goes too far and you need lightnight reflexes to land a hit, especially since the hit boxes are all over the place and on top of all that, many of them use 1 hit K.Os which is just awful.

This story just plays on my heart. It is beautiful. I would love to see a remaster with some modern combat and QoL fixes.

I got about halfway and just didn’t have the energy to finish. It’s such a dialogue heavy game which isn’t bad but it would take hours upon hours to sit there and read it all.

It is also to “stop,start,stop” for me. Every single thing you do causes a cutscene. The gameplay is so insanely fun I just want to play! But everything has long text heavy scenes.

Games like persona are also very text heavy but I think I know the reason they work for me where as this doesn’t.

Persona is structured like “text, social gameplay, text, social gameplay, text, social game play, text, dungeon gameplay”

Cold Steel is just “text,text,text,text,gameplay,text,text,text”

It needs more freedom, because my other issue is that it was so on rails. Because there was a calendar but you could only play on set carved out, scripted days, it felt very forced.

The writing probably makes no sense but something just didn’t work for me which is annoying because I loved the combat and the characters! Even the world!