Devil May Cry 4 has an impressive degree of mechanical depth and a fairly interesting story, but unfortunately the game is conspicuously unfinished, the latter half of the campaign simply reusing the levels and bosses from the first half and feeling very unsuited to the new mechanics gained as a result.

The mechanics are a little sloppy but the open world is solid and the story is fantastic

Undeniably foundational and certainly unique, but occasionally tedious and featuring some tiresome level design near the end.

A pretty fun sandbox with a neat aesthetic

Some neat ideas here but it's just kinda subpar. Play with mouse if you want to trivialize the game, since for some reason the ship's movement speed with the mouse is faster than with the keyboard keys.

The peak of the Castlevania franchise, Aria of Sorrow is the purest refinement of the Igavania formula, and the true ending is fantastic


Fun mechanics but an extremely tedious structure

Don't tell me you haven't played Undertale

A solid sequel with a lot of charm

Final Fantasy is a really fun game that does a lot of interesting things with its plot setup and how it relates to meta elements of the game; Final Fantasy II sucks. The port is still worth picking up on the strength of FF1.

Really incredible visuals for the PSX and a noticeable improvement in control and game feel over the original. In terms of the core gameplay everything's in place for a true timeless classic and the whole thing's dripping with charm and personality. Unfortunately, along with the visual and mechanical improvements, Spyro 2 brings a big heaping helping of mediocre-at-best minigame challenges, and unfortunately you're going to have to do a LOT of them if you want to finish the game, as just running through each level and grabbing whatever orbs you get for doing pretty basic run-throughs will only net you about half as many as are required to open the final boss's locked door. It's, frankly, a nightmare. Many of these challenges are poorly designed or not balanced properly, and even the best ones I would describe more as "acceptable" than as anything I'd really want to take a break from the core platforming to focus on. Personally, I already had to give this game a fair amount of rope to get into it due to the structural change of not allowing the player to complete each level to 100% on the first visit, and the fact that it wants me to play a bunch of unfun minigames in order to hit bare minimum completion is just a little too much, especially since it didn't tell me that until I was already at the end. If you're less minigame averse than I am, you'll probably have a great time with this one, but I just can't face the prospect of having to turn around and play a bunch of them before being let into the final boss when the reason I passed them by in the first place is because I wasn't enjoying them when they were interspersed into my runs through the earlier levels.