I'm sure it's fine if you're into the original a bunch but the weird physics are a bit too much to push through in a context where one slipup will end your run

Pretty neat little abstract puzzle game, one which teaches its mechanics to you in a very intuitive way without an explicit "tutorial." I dropped off pretty quickly because I just don't really have the patience for these sorts of things, but if you're into the genre I'd recommend checking it out.

This game's story and atmosphere are really good, and it controls great, but the enemy balance is all out of whack and the level design has a lot of serious issues.

You don't know. That's okay. Don't worry about it. You don't have to know.

Fun concept but in practice I just don't find it that fun to play, in particular the rooms feel really samey

Neat concept but I think the equipment items are a little TOO complex for messing with them to really be fun

There's clearly some degree of effort put into this, the assets are appealing and the idea of mixing different elements to get different types of magical projectiles is fun in theory, but the game doesn't seem finished.

This game's really cool and I can't think of any reason not to like it but for some reason I just don't vibe with it that much? Like every time I look at what's there I'm like "this is rad!" And then 3 or 4 hours in I just fall off. Dunno what's up with that but I recommend it to anyone who likes JRPGs.

A mechanical step up from its predecessor, but the campaign is a bit noticeably unfinished in places and the writing is a lot less interesting than it was in the first two games (or Deadlocked)

An absolutely exceptional platformer on every level. Gorgeous pixel art, a stellar soundtrack, and a highly empathetic and impactful story about the struggle to grow and improve oneself in the face of mental illness which is expertly woven into the gameplay. I cannot recommend this game enough.

This game's really cool and I can't think of any reason not to like it but for some reason I just don't vibe with it that much? Like every time I look at what's there I'm like "this is rad!" And then 3 or 4 hours in I just fall off. Dunno what's up with that but I recommend it to anyone who likes JRPGs.

This is a video game-ass video game. The campaign is a nonstop rush of demon slaughter and resource management, occasionally undercut by less than stellar boss fights but nonetheless a great time for any fan of first person shooters.

An excellent fighting game with gorgeous animation, highly recommended for Dragon Ball fans or anyone in the market for a solid anime fighter

Kingdom Hearts 1 is a pretty good game, I'm not really fond of anything else in this package. Worth noting that this is the best way to play most of these games, though.