The game is incredible, merges role playing games with tactic videogames.

An incredible game centered arround freedom,and exploration. Incredible level design and very cinematic gameplay. Story could be better despite not beeing the focus of the game.

Very well done, the story is the best in the series, the foundation for the rest of the trology and the arkane's key game.

A good game, more limited in character and abilities than dh2. However still a good game (in theory a good dlc) but its good becouse of dh 2s systems. Great map design.

Great game, incredible story. Only problem is that late game ots more centered on beeing good at quick time events than desicions. What breaks the stile of the game, and quick time events is the n of theworst gameplay systems for action games.

And absolutely incredible game, discovering the lore and playing the game was an absolute blast. Not exeptional on narrative but a great game.

And incredible and brutal game, simple in idea, very very well executed. It rebolutionized zombie narrative. Too much combat (like all naughty dog games) but tlou changes the encounter enough to be interesting.

Its fucking kenshi, what else do you need? (Made by one person, there isn't any narrative at all, but you can do what you want in a well done world)

Imcredible game at release is just good now. Its very hard to climb as suports, even if you know how the game works

Very good game, but very repetirive.

Very good game, has a lot more than the controversy its famous for. Very sensitive and beautiful.


Good idea, some good mechanics. It would be a good game if the combat, stealth, maps and level design was actuallt good

It's not a good game, and its pretty basic tbh, but I'm nostalgic because it was my first ps4 game

Very good game, really like it the best shooter multiplayer, and an incredible campaign


One of the best concept, story, scenario ever done. A masterpice.