(Just made an account not sure when I beat this)

Honestly, not a whole lot to say. This is just an amazing game.

(Just made an account not sure when I beat this)

This is the first and only Kirby game I've played so far. It was a great introduction though and I can't wait to try out some more kirby games. Each level felt different from each other and I loved every single one of them. I'm not one to write overly long reviews so I wont, but this is a very solid game.

(Just made an account not sure when I beat this)

I think this is a pretty underrated game, especially the Bowser's Fury portion. I love the the level design and the online feature is incredible and unlike any other online feature in other Mario titles.

Just made an account but I actually remember when I beat this game!

I could go on for hours about how great this game is. This was my introduction to Zelda games (I played a few others when I was younger but never beat them, so I consider this my introduction) and I have fallen in love with this franchise. I remember waking up and all I wanted to do was immerse myself in this beautiful game.

I actually really enjoyed this game, I just didn't really wanna finish it and I felt like I got my fill, so I don't plan on coming back to it.


Good game. I think people hate on it too much.