80 reviews liked by Nirocart64

Holy shit, they really were the Yakuza 4

Gayest Yakuza game so far fr.
Mine is the GOAT.

Why is this series so stupidly funny yet depressing

Although it still doesn't make it a remarkable one, the story was definitely much better than the first. It's also worth noting that the gameplay was crazy fun and addicting as hell.

every game should have a "look at your girlfriend" button

Battler you need to stop. Your rooms are too closed, your truths too red, your witch too golden. They'll turn you into a logic error

Most people will tell you to play this game so you can play Muv-Luv Alternative, but I'm going to tell you that this game is just as worth playing as Alternative is.

I wish more people played this game to enjoy Extra and Unlimited. So many people don't care about the first two parts to this Muv-Luv trilogy and I think that's a damn shame. I really enjoyed both Extra and Unlimited, and just because Alternative is one of the best VNs out there, doesn't mean you should feel like you need to rush through this one to play it.

Extra was dumb enough for me to realise I don't need to take it too seriously and it worked as very nice light reading whenever I felt up to it.

Unlimited was such a great experience. It's a great subversion of expectations if you don't know what you're getting into. Granted, most people will likely know what Muv-Luv is about, but I didn't!!!!! ....until others ruined it for me but whatever.

yeah i'm thinking point five stars

Mad intuitive puzzle game, but its a bit too short.