It fits the mold of a looter-shooter, but man it's just not fun running the same mission with the same enemies and the same boss over and over again for gear I don't care about.

It just runs so BUTTERY SMOOTH with near-instant load times between quests and village areas, plus a lot of new neat mechanics to slice and dice lots of new monsters.

Also, cats and dogs for companions, can't go wrong there.

Just can't stop the grind, and I'm not even going that hard.

It really is just a GTA clone at heart, but it's still a really good game nonetheless. It had a really good story of an undercover cop working up the triad ladder and a really great combat system that allows for lots of different combos and cool moves. I also wasn't overwhelmed with a bunch of side missions, most of them were fun to do and not that tedious. A few random glitches here and there, but nothing really significant. Overall, just a pretty fun GTA clone with a good story, not much else needed.

Super fun game, especially with friends. It has a decent variety of maps and ghosts, with more being added every once in a while. Legitimately scary and extremely atmospheric too. Everything is also cranked up to eleven if you play in VR, definitely a neat experience.

Basically just micro-Dishonored, the same great gameplay with new powers. It definitely feels really short with only five missions. but it's still an interesting look into the Outsider himself, if you're into the lore of the universe.

So Cyberpunk 2077 is an interesting case. On one hand, it's a very well-constructed universe and the general atmosphere of the game is really good. Most characters and stories are also really well done, including Johnny Silverhand and Panam. On the other hand, the game itself is obviously unfinished, with bug and performance issues pretty much everywhere.

However, by the end of the game, I found myself really enjoying the game overall, flaws and all. Most of the bugs are more comical than problematic, and I was really drawn into the universe as a whole. I have no doubt CD Projekt Red will perfect the game eventually, but right now, it's essentially still in Early Access.

I've played a little bit, had some good times

Exactly the same as Ori and the Blind Forest, but more and better in every way. It's much more mechanically challenging with some great boss battles. Definitely a masterpiece.

I don't know if it's nostalgia or me being a Star Wars fanboy, but just jumping in an X-wing and blowing up other ships and frigates is extremely satisfying in this game. Super fun, especially with friends so you can squad up and take down the Empire together. And maybe blow up some Rebels too.

Everyone was right, this one is a perfect masterpiece. Not much in terms of a long or complicated story, but it does visual storytelling so well that you don't need much writing or dialogue. The game also played extremely well, with no technical issues at all. The game mechanics themselves are super creative and the game has you use your abilities in a variety of ways. Super enjoyable from start to finish. Definitely recommend it if you haven't played before.

What better way to build friendships than through lies and deceit in space?

It's Halo, what else needs to be said?

Super fun, even after playing the later Batman games. This is the game that laid the foundation of the Batman game mechanics. The combat feels good and sneaking around silently taking out enemies makes me feel like the real Batman, which is exactly what most people want in a Batman game.