My favorite character is me

You have to WONDER how they could make a game this good!

Love that title screen jingle I wonder if I can play the game its from in the collection!

The news called my uncle a creeper but he doesn't explode lol, talk about fake news!

Unfortunate that this is still the best Sinnoh game!

Glad I finally got around to playing the first game! Really makes sense why these video game things took off after a release like this!

More like UnderFUCK am I right

Link what if you defeated existential dread lol

I like how this game does nothing to advance the open world genre beyond what Ubisoft gets criticized for all the time, I actually find it very fun to walk around grass for no reason for several hours, its like Im going outside!

AAAAH what a scary game!! haha a scary game that I played on my twitch channel which you can follow at ! So spooky! 😜

Thankful everyday that I like this game a normal amount

Goku is my favorite Kirby boss