5698 Reviews liked by NovaNiles

actually like the cathedral though (except the invasion cuz it took me a lot to beat it derp) I don't actually find a lot of problems? Io could use some clothes but whatever, let her cook right? Find myself wishing game didn't have every Souls thing they could think of. HP sponge final boss so cool!

Also Davis is too dummy thicc to enter the hot springs i think

Open worlds are either mediocre or like this game. Transition of the formula to open world is seamless here.

This truly is the gyatt ohio rizz's soft from ware to Ikea's skibidi toilet. I typed all that while defeating Margit, The Fell Omen because I can't pause graaaaah.

There's a sense of danger lurking around every corner. I think the secret is that the player is in very real danger at all times that might explain that feeling. It's so fucking funny to watch people play the game, I don't care whether it's healthy to mock others who are better than oneself it's all in good jest

I probably deserve to be on PETA's blacklist considering how many bullets the t-rex ate. I will not see the pearly gates. Goodb ye

That said this game being an anniversary edition buggers me. What is there to celebrate? The exact moment where games became woke? (play as woman)(Samus did it first). Also if you think the t-rex is the magnum opus ur mistaken this game goes places.

There are like 30 items at some point and you're not really clued in as to what you should do, the graphics look much smoother though and my girl can whip up a mean drink.

In a way, can we say the gameplay loop is excellent narrative design in regards to being in an asylum? There's the proper way of justifying the usual point & click shenanigans when everyone and their mother asks you the most absurd tasks. I'm so glad she properly looks femcel too we dont talk enough about good representation of the femcel community

I've been productive to society in 30 different ways. The characters in this game speak japanese yet Kiryu chooses to speak facts. She took the kid despite the kid not being Kiryu's in the first place nor having a "she" in "his" life, unless you picked up one of two problematic cabaret staff.

But the PS2 era quirks are apparent once you notice the core of the story boils down to :

Kiryupilled sigma: where's the restroom
Average soyboy Yakufail: watch yo tone mf!!
Kiryupilled sigma: prepare to get da dame da whooping

Nah this is peak, such a perfect stupid goofy story, and not mind-numblingly annoying like The Breakout!! Would recommend getting high before playing (the company issuing this statement declines all responsibility on all sussy bakas putting their health at risk)

We do be underplaying the consequences of unlimited access to deadly schemes on the human psyche. The world watches in terror as the nice girl loses her temper. We'll see if the end of the trilogy holds the same amount of fuckery greatness! sobs

I wish I gave the game 5 stars. It was for a while, but I can still confidently say it's a benchmark of the genre. Kiwami 2 rejects its modest PS2 origins and manages to embrace its spirit in the process. Playing this gave me the feeling that what I played the day before was something I had done 20 years ago beat by beat, little by little. This mirrors what Kiwami 2's story is about. Kiryu is pulled back in to be a criminal syndicate's wheelchair, and finds a fitting end, only for... yknow, there are sequels, so it's not gonna be a conclusive ending. I've managed to do all substories but the cabaret ones, speaking of it's absurd of much that mode pulled me in. For, like, an hour.

It's a long game, so I should have a lot to say... a lot of it was whopping ass. There's great joy in managing the skill tree almost as much as the fighting in itself. And huh, the ending does similar mistakes the original did, but I'm under NDA I can't reveal further. Yakuza once again a gold mine of screenshots. The quirky and the silly, their stocks are through the roof. What's even better is how they sometimes make you stop and accept profound wisdom from the mentally deranged. At some point, Kiryu even blurts out that some thing or other is, that's right, like a dragon and I couldn't help but clap. Tell it how it is, Dame Da Yakuza! (I'll never be able to make a Yakuza review without alluding to da dame joke)

Since when have bar fights required skill in video games? Surely this is an unwritten rule in the "make peak gaming" guideline under the part that says waterfalls have rewards hidden behind them. Once your game's name is Red Dead Revolver, a few things are gonna make as much sense as that title, let's accept that. The game is a beat em up with guns, basically. The transition between levels is dripped out but it's not the case for the actual game. Enemies tend to be bullet sponges and that's fine, because you have lots of ammo, right? Well, kid named reload. Can't even reload unless you run out which is a poor excuse for strategy if that was the intent.

There's that one part I gotta talk about. In one of the early levels, there's an easy jump, and you know what happens if you drop the bag? You're the bag being dropped because you then have to slowly kill yourself jumping small heights before getting back at the start of the level and making the walk back, with no way of killing yourself or restarting a checkpoint other than this. I genuinely applaud this, someone had the worst day at Rockstar back then.

Sometimes, you get to play as other characters, even playing one of the villains, although fuck his map I like seeing a villain get a comeuppance but not when I'm him... for the others, they had maps more or less fun to go through. Two of them get to join your journey and I didn't expect a based trio like that, color me surprised. Or red. I got that dead revolver in me. In more serious thoughts, I started Redemption and have a feeling it won't get a higher rating than Revolver. It's a win for the jank community! We have forgiven Rockstar Studios.

From the moment you start Yakuza 3, something is troubling. You likely follow suite to Kiwami 2, and now Kiryu controls like an RC Car and the game tries to retcon his closest companion. Is it over? No. All a facade. We're just getting started. Let's start with the less obvious first, I love the combat. It provides the perfect amount of challenge and really rewards the bold and the cunning. Enemies not being HP sponges would cement my love for it, but huh, whoops.

Okinawa is a great location so I would allot more time there if I could. But to my own surprise, I decided to not do the substories. Well, I did a few, but I was so enthralled by the story. Playing as the dad to my big ass family? Yes, waiter, bring me more of this. The yakuza side of things was more lowkey, toned down bullshit explosions in favor of politics, with stakes still high and, like Ryuji, a villain I want to stick around, but absolutely deserve punishment for their actions. There's one scene though, badass but definitely goofy, that definiely was a load of bull. Cried at the end I still did.

Kiwami 3 would go very hard with the treatment Majima got in Kiwami 2 given to the character that failed the vibe check and was sent to Ohio at the start. Trying to be vague here. Opportunity for RGG to try their hand at another non-japanese location. Yes I'm an hypocrite, Im always the first one to say I'm tired of games taking place in the USA. I've been baka may your fists mitai my face for your own gratification.

Turning Red girl : EEYIKES! My mother is outside! If she sees me, I'm Turning Red!

Face: My world has Turned Red already... i can see every POI (point of interest)! Have Face in yourself.

Unique artstyle contained in the deepest reaches of the inter-level cutscenes. Of course none of that in the game proper. I'll remember that bloodcurdling sound playing when I slowly fall to my Daith it's real spooky. Makes me not wanna do that. This game has been hailed as an excellent parkour game but the littlest things are driving me cuckoo.

A month after I finished the game, I still recall a part where the game wanted me to walk on the wall into grabbing a pipe. I reluctantly obliged after trying to be stylish and jumping into the pipe early on in the wall-walking, as this was moreso me jumping past the pipe, grazing it and falling to my unfortunate death. This made no sense. Why can't we finesse nothing? I don't want scripted parkour! I want...guns! I grew up in Dallas, Texas! Hence we learn, ask and ye shall receive. I wonder if an exec got his way and that's why combat was a thing. I want to believe that, despite a lot of combat mechanics present like disarming. My grandpa was doing that when he was marine, but certainly no parkour. Why the guns, though? A parkourist would rather use the environment to their advantage. I'm talking pushing the police off a building like a decent human being!

Enemies are more bearable when its a chase scene. That first one had unparalleled dopamine level! Truly 5/5 backloggd rating scale material. She was slidin' between buildings like I'm sliding in yo DMs. That's right I make ladies Turn Red too... starting to overuse that pun. Although that Disney movie probably has a better story than Mirror's Edge and I ain't even watched the shit. The ending is random as fuck and, slightly unearned maybe. It's like that time I was stuck in the elevator, eating a snack while watching in horror as Faith is riddled in bullets. I need to leave Dallas, Texas as soon as ASAP.

Ill prefix this is a review of the campaign only as I haven't played any multiplayer.

All in all its a fun FPS campaign to fill up a few hours. Compared to Call of Duty campaigns, Battlefield 3 leans far more into realism with less massive set pieces and more realistic military operations. On the whole all the missions were fun, each one managed to feel different, the fighter jet and tank missions were fun and I am glad they didn't over do them.

In terms of characters none are very special, another thing that differs massively from COD, none of these characters are really that interesting or memorable. I like the cutscenes where the protagonist is being interrogated, it gives off big Black Ops 1 vibes.

Visually its aged alright its looks very grainy but the mission landscapes look really good. Score was alright, never really noticed it much during the campaign. I have heard amazing things about this games multiplayer back in the day and I wise I played at its peak. Overall its a fun experience, nothing I would ever go back to but still a good experience.

''if i had superpowers id be just like homelander or omniman''

me with superpowers:

Styx is a great example of how to make a strong mid-ranger on a limited budget. But at the same time, make a memorable character, a character you won’t forget.
Add to this an excellent plot, a kind of fantasy noir, where everyone is bastards, but the elves are even more bastards.
But be prepared that the game itself is not very diverse. There is no need to choose a passing style here: it’s easier and faster to go through without killing anyone, remaining a shadow, than to carry out a massacre or use abilities. In general, Styx is stealth from the brain to the bones, with all the ensuing features: constant sitting in ambush and general leisureliness right there. If you don't mind running meditatively from one dark place to another, then the game is worth playing. But if you are not ready to put up with graphics a la PS3 and constantly sit waiting for the patrol to pass, then this game is not for you. But know that you are missing out on the birth of a promising franchise that I hope has a bright future.

After getting my Switch on launch along with Breath of the Wild, I was excited to see what games the console would have in the future. I bought Master Blaster Zero and eventually The Binding of Isaac for the third time, but a month and a half later Mario Kart 8 Deluxe came out. Now look, this may be a rerelease and all but it was for a portable console. Mario Kart 8 was great but I could only play it at home and with a game like Mario Kart, its more fun to play it on the go with friends. When this came out, I was nearing the end of my Junior year in High School. Let me tell you, me and my friends played this all the time during the span of the rest of my high school experience. We played it in lunch, we played it in study hall, we even played it in class whether it was sneaking it or just when we had free time. This was THE Switch game to play when it came to my friend group alongside Jackbox Party Pack 3. It's just a ton of fun and while I said it was a rerelease, it's not just a lazy port. They not only included the DLC tracks, but they also added some new characters and revamped the battle mode.

I said the character selection was a bit lacking in the original game but the ones they added here are all good. Bowser Jr, King Boo and Dry Bones are all good additions that were in past games. The completely brand-new addition tho is Inkling Girl/Boy. Now, I was a huge Splatoon 1 fan before this so I was hyped when they were added. I mained them a lot when I first played and honestly, they're a perfect crossover addition just cuz Splatoon was originally supposed to be a Mario game which I found funny. This isn't even getting into the characters they added from the booster course pass. Most of those are also great, tho I haven't used them myself since I don't own the booster courses. If you do though, easily the best roster in the series.

The other thing they fixed of course is the battle mode. Easily the worst part of the original game and the worst battle mode I've played, it's really good here. Not as good as Mario Kart DS since there's still no option to have it be elimination rules, however you're not forced into teams like Wii and there's a whopping 5 modes this time around. Balloon battle and coin runners are classics of course. Shine thief makes a return and it's also pretty fun here. Bob-omb blast apparently originated from Double Dash and that's also fun tho definitely the most chaotic of the bunch. The brand new mode this time around is renegade roundup and its basically cops and robbers. Pretty fun mode as well but the real reason these are all actually fun is they gave us battle courses again THANK GOD. The old courses are great and some of the new courses are awesome too like Urchin Underpass. Love to see a little Splatoon representation since it didn't get a race track.

So there you go, the character selection was expanded and while not my favorite battle mode, the battle mode was made actually fun again. The only other thing they added, and they added it 5 years after deluxe came out, are the booster courses. Now I don't own them but my good friend Quent has the expansion pass so along with him and my friend wheatie, we played a bunch of online races for this review and I was able to play pretty much all the courses I wanted to. I didn't play them all but I can see the course quality varies greatly. You have some really half assed tracks and then you have really great ones like Yoshi's Island or SNES Bowser's Castle. A lot of the returning ones are Wii courses which is a plus too. Obviously most of these are just straight up ported from Tour and the visuals on a lot of them are pretty unacceptable compared to the base game but, if you don't care about then then the value of 48 tracks for $25 is great. That's basically 50 cents a track plus the added characters. Not only that but they added the ability to choose custom items, plus a music player in the main menu.

With the slightly better character roster and the MUCH better battle mode, I can say this is definitely THE definite Mario Kart. Though I may end up liking Wii a tad bit more now due to it's wacky physics. Either way, definitely a must have as a Switch owner and as a Mario Kart fan.

Well, that's the end of the Mario Kart marathon everyone unless I end up actually playing Tour lol. Been playing Persona 3 FES this whole time alongside these games and I'm in December now so I think I'm nearing the end of it, stay tuned for that review!

This review contains spoilers

I’ve written too much on this. The short version is that it fails to outdo, or even match the brilliance of the original. It’s a big Hollywood sequel that falls into the trap of believing bigger to be better. More playable characters, more opponents, etc. More depth? Not in the slightest. But at least it has a combat system that forces you to experiment with your tools and a kickass soundtrack.

Longer, more rambly, and disorganized version below.


I've been thinking about the final hours of No More Heroes 2.

There's this screen in the Rank 2 level where you're walking past an apartment complex, and there's no music. Eventually, you reach the end of it and there's giant graffiti on one of the buildings: Travis' face in the style of Guerrillero Heroico. This is Desperate Struggle's plea to the player to recognize Travis as an icon, a rebel. In the cutscene after Alice's fight he butts heads with Sylvia, screaming "Look at this blood! We HUMANS are ALIVE!" It's his breakout moment, an outburst that's been bubbling ever since Sylvia brutally gunned down Ryuji many fights before.

And then after that, Sylvia goes over for sex and their fucking is so intense that the entire motel shakes while cartoon sounds play. That's No More Heroes 2, a game with real whiplash. The first game handled its drama and comedy with a lot of grace and knew exactly what it was doing, while Desperate Struggle flops all over the place. It leans hard into the power fantasy that 1 was parodying, with plenty of T&A and girls throwing themselves at Travis.

In this effort, Shinobu received a particularly thorough character assassination. Now she’s just a fangirl for Travis, and the whole deal is just creepy. She’s been made weaker in combat too: in the first game her ranking fight was a skill check, but in NMH 2 she's a low power character with a bad moveset. Most of the returning characters get raw deals too: Letz Shake has a real boss fight this time, but he only has two attacks! That’s less than the tutorial boss. New Destroyman’s fight has a novel concept, but since the boss is programmed to be a coward it’s boring and overlong. Henry’s level is cool but only lasts five minutes, which is a real bummer.

I don’t have enough gas in my tank to do a deep-dive on combat, but I will say that I enjoyed the changed mechanics here. The new camera and lock-on seemed simple at first but late-game engagements quickly made me realize two things: enemies WILL take advantage of your blind spots if you rely on lock-on too much, and getting knocked down will be the status quo if you’re not aware of your surroundings at all times. It’s a different ballgame than last time and I honestly like it.

I’ve read analyses online that dissect Desperate Struggle as a brilliant story about revenge, and while some of them are certainly neat, none of them overpower my gut feeling: the game tells its story in a shitty way. The expository cutscenes are a smorgasbord of titillation and bad soapy drama, and the cutscenes for bosses are often silent (fucking terrible for a hack n’ slash game btw), otherwise lacking in memorability. The two arguably most revered bosses in the game - Margaret and Alice - break this rule, and resemble the ranking fights from the first game. And that’s my main problem: where the original No More Heroes had a unified vision and meaning for almost everything, the second game just comes up short.

The most damning point of Desperate Struggle is that it will forever be a mediocre sequel to a great game. Nothing can save it from that reputation - no mods, updates, or remakes - because it is fundamentally flawed at its core. For now I'm soured on No More Heroes, and hope Travis Strikes Again will reignite my passion when I get there.