Its the ultimate Harvest Moon game thats not Harvest Moon. Super addicting Gameplay loop and a world that starts super simple but reveals its depths the more you interact with it.


I dont know what it is. Its gameplay and systems are super solid on paper, but something about its progression and story just always loses me.

Lets rip the bandate off: This game is still a broken mess to its core. The late game can be become a absolute brick wall if you dont know exactly what your doing. But it still works somehow: still a one of a kind rpg experience I return to again and again.

Was just a mediocre game until our coop run endet with broken cutscenes, crashes and my friends save file that randomly got corrupted.

FromSoftware delivered a giant Magnum Opus. All the lesson learned since Demon Souls come to together to deliver a masterpiece of an rpg.

The legends are overexaggerated. Hard but never impossible, even if you go for 100%. Its honestly on par with most good SNES platformers. The famous really bad save system is also a non issue: almost all bonus token are on your direct path so if your ok at the game your gona get a save every few levels. A decent start to a iconic franchise.

A 100% improvment to the original. This is what definied the image of Crash to this day. And with the exception of one or two secrets that are certified bullshit, I have no complaints. Its a true classic.

Obsidian did the impossible and turned out one the best rpgs of all time in less than a year. Unlike Bethesdas retcon butchery, that goes on till this day, New Vegas respects its source in both narative and gameplay intention. Yes, it takes a bit of work to get this running on PC, cause its about as polished as a white BMW in a muddy landslide but its more than worth it

Very much sceptical of this reboot and all in all I think its overall very solid. Its writting is not as clever as the old games but the heart and vibe are here. Its a fun return of a gaming legend that will work for new comers and veterans.

I dont know how we went from a really solid first game, to this unfunny garbage. As a defender of the Larry games, I really tryd multiple times to gives this a fair shoot but I ended up hating it more each time. Its all unfunny, cringy referencial humor paired with moon logic puzzles that suck every ounce of fun out of the game. Larry deserved better.

4 stars only cause the 3rd Act is still really rough, altough it didnt keep me from loving the content. That said: what an amazing fucking rpg, its 100% deserves the hype it got. I can not wait to see what larian does next, doesnt matter if its a new game or just dlc for BG3, I will be there day one to support it. Also: Karlach is best girl.

The beginning of something very special. Banger Atmosphere, awseome Story and fantastic Gameplay that influences other video games to this day. Only 4 stars cause the boss fights kinda suck and there are way to many big muscle mutant fights that all play the exact same.

Still the best in the series. It looks incredible and feels so much better to play then Asylum. The Story builds to a still unmatched crescendo in any Batman media. Minor issue is that the side mission get kinda repetitiv on repeat playthroughs.

On part with the Rocksteady games and criminaly overlooked at release. Nicely fits into the rest of the canon in both gameplay and especialy story. Yes they could have been more original with the main villain but this still stands as one of the best prequel storys despite that.

On release this was definitly a dissapointing conclusing. The critique was mostly justified, but with the benifit of heinsight: Man this gameplay slaps so hard. If they didnt force those weird Batmobil puzzle sections on you, this would be the ultimate Batman game and a easy 5/5 Stars.