A game from my childhood that I didn’t get anywhere close to beating because I don’t think I had a memory card at that point. Going back to it, it’s a good enough game genuinely but it’s hard to get into. I want to beat it one of these days since I think I would enjoy it.

An absolutely fantastic boomer shooter with gameplay that never gets repetitive and a rush of adrenaline that you've come to expect from ID. Nightdive did an exceptional job with the remaster as it looks noticeably much better and the quality of life improvements are welcome for newcomers. It was a a bit frustrating at points due to difficulty, but it was these spikes were in spurts and felt earned. I wouldn't want it to be changed because the challenge is what makes it so addictive and fun. A game like this is so welcome and enjoyable as a little break from these gigantic AAA games. A massive recommendation on my part, I enjoyed my time with this a ton. Lots of fun.

I play this on and off and it’s a fun time. I love the strategic gameplay. It’s chill and I really dig the artstyle and the unique way it handles this genre.

My favorite of the SpongeBob platformers from back in the day. Heavy nostalgia aside, it’s a good game.

I loved this game as a kid, but taking off the nostalgia glasses, this is mid.

The best NBA 2K of all time. I spent so much time playing this when it was the current one. Best Myteam, gameplay, soundtrack, and community.

Really mid and the gameplay was not fun whatsoever. It was tedious and felt like a chore to do anything.

I hated the few hours I tried this game out. It’s everything I hate about gaming, and that is the fact that it loses its identity as a video game. It was boring and tedious trash with bad combat. Not to mention the awful AI, constant dull cutscenes, and uncreative level design. I cannot believe how much I disliked this game considering the status it has.

It’s cool but I’m so bad that I can’t get passed the 10 minute mark lol. Still a very fun, creative, and addicting game with a ton of content.

Edit: After playing it quite a bit more on Steam, I can now say that this game is absolutely incredible. The most gamey game ever. Super fun and addictive. Just pure gaming crack. Fire

Cool story and art style. Also an insanely easy platinum trophy. But the game part was almost non existent I didn’t have any fun actually playing it.

This was an absolute blast and improved drastically on the original. I was very satisfied with the game overall. There were some slight frame drops and bugs but nothing that hindered my experience at all. I still don’t care for much in the story but there’s a few twists and turns that caught me off guard. The game is gorgeous, gameplay is very fun and deep, and there’s just so much to do. Definitely pick this one up.

one of my favorite games as a kid this was really dope back in the day.

An incredibly inventive and imaginative platformer with varied level design. Not to mention the immaculate soundtrack, fun new power-ups, and the insane amount of content.

it was alright. I played the first level and ended up liking it much more than I did in the first handful of minutes of playing. But the charm, sprite work, and OST aside (which are amazing), this is still a painfully slow beat-em-up that gets very stale, very quick. Doubt I'll ever return to it.