I wanna be the lady on the car in love rap

It’s not for me but I can see the appeal and everything

This game was like 2$ and I still feel ripped off this game is boring as hell

Combats a bit button mashy, but still incredibly enjoyable

Base version kinda blows compared to super turbo, but still crazy influential and everything

I can’t get over it anymore

Pretty alright but definitely nothing special

I really don’t get the appeal

Forgot about this one, extremely cool and good game

The main campaign was fairly boring and straightforward but the multiplayer made up for it

Can we please find out how to make Time Machines already, I need to get my money back

I have the same problem with this game that I do with terraria. Due to the boring early game, the game loses its charm on playthroughs past the second or third.
Super fun with friends tho