Really disappointing expansion. Jetpack physics were really unwieldy resulting in so many irritating spike deaths. Oh well.

Amazingly realised open-world that is zero fun to play. Awful slog with irresponsive controls and tedious detail that makes simple actions take far longer than necessary. For all of the narrative self-importance it lacks the impact of the most basic Sunday afternoon John Wayne joint. Done with Rockstar after this.

Enjoyed this way more upon replaying, maybe the next-gen sheen helped with the rough edges? Insane that the same people who came up with the very fun combat (the swinging is functional is dull compared to Spider-Man 2's momentum) thought that the MJ/Miles missions belonged in ANY game? Baffling. The story is pretty dull so I skipped 80% of cutscenes this time around and the bosses outside of the excellent villain team-up bouts are pretty bad. Good enough, hope the sequel is something special!

Was really impressed with this, especially as a skeptic of the first game. The only downside was the emphasis on Venom, a totally dogshit Spidey villain.

Finished this sometime last winter, forgot to log. Enjoyable enough though fails to really build off the first game in any meaningful way, far too long with too many dud sections (the boring as hell yak section being the worst). The story is quite good though, especially Odin. What a scamp!

Excellent with minor annoyances such as some tricky depth perception.