Short as hell but an interesting look at the possibility of a strictly linear AC game, free of a tedious huge open-world and a nightmarish amount of useless collectibles.

A shame this was designed with the stupidest business practises in mind, it plays quite well but is held back by brutally boring level design and enemies that fail to capitalise on all of the comic-book wackiness that they could have used. A decent campaign regardless, especially for four quid.

Hugely disappointing sequel. A monstrously muddled and overlong story combined with minimal gameplay evolution from the first results in a mostly tepid experience.

Fantastic sequel. Loved everything about it but I have to knock off half a star for the Marauder. Terrible enemy design, the antithesis of the entire DOOM ethos. Nice lengthy campaign, will take a break before I play the expansions.

Adored this. Fun, mildly taxing puzzle game with so much personality. Was bizarrely moving.

Really enjoyed this despite some glaring flaws. Combat never really clicked and there's definitely some systems I never fully understood, a common issue I have in RPG's. Loved the writing, world and characters though. Will return in the near future once the season pass is on sale.

More Shovel Knight excellence! King Knight is probably the best-controlling expansion character and his campaign is hilarious. Hate card games but luckily barely had to touch it.

Deeply broken but fun Star Wars 90's fever dream. The soundtrack of randomly placed OT tracks is really weird though.

I love the Arkham series but Rocksteady consistently made terrible DLC for it. Pointless tiny slice of Arkham City gameplay with nothing unique to add.

Finally finished all the story missions. Liked the Wind Waker additions but it's a shame more characters weren't integrated into them, nobody cares about Lana and Cia!

Love the first, first time playing the second. Way prefer 1 still, 2 is a bit of a mess honestly. Still enjoyable!

Great dungeons, wonky pacing. Loved this back in the day but I get why some didn't click with it now.

Entertaining expansion with a much more morally complex story than the main game. Irritating how it locks your regular levelling up, there are lots of small things here I couldn't do as a result.

Massively disappointing sequel. Generally poor level design and the tone is all over the shop. The Venus segment is great though, felt more in line with the first game.

Good game despite performance issues. The final level was a pretty gruelling boss gauntlet. Great post-game stuff too.