This game receives too much slander it's really damn good.

Easily the worst DRAGON AGE game but as an RPG it's not that bad. DLC made it a lot better

This game is damn near perfect. With each character having completely different movesets as well as being so deep in mechanics capcom was truly flexing their skills. The weapons, costumes, music, in game mechanics and just everything with the game, shows that KT can do so much more but choose not to.

This game is a fucking anomaly

KT was smoking some wild shit in the studio when they made this game and I'm gonna need them to do it again. The age progression in this game needed to be a staple for every warrior's series after but sadly that didn't happen. I believe the reason it's not happening is because of the story implications. This story is WAY too good for a musou game and I have to problems with it. Starting as Masayuki at a younger age and having him progressively get older enjoying his story only to switch to a young Yukimura was soooo good. Each battle flows so well with the story and with the dialogue on the field, during cutscenes, and outside of combat koei was able to produce a level of care no other warriors game has done.

The final battle...Yukimuras final moveset and being in the middle of straight hell was one of the best musou experiences almost ever and the soundtrack on top of it was perfect. If KT wants to push the series even further all they need to do is copy this game and refine it.

For the next generation of SW this game was practically perfect. The only issue and glaring issue is that hyper attacks absolutely destroy the combat, so much so that WO4 suffered greatly for it.

Maybe I just got unlucky or maybe it was the mood but this game just felt so shit. It was super slow and the visuals weren't all that.

Lots of nostalgia for this game. Fuma being on the cover is perfect

With this being the most grounded SW it was definitely an experience playing it again. On top of the outfits the level design for the game was awkwardly very good comparatively speaking.