Gameplay is good but not innovative in any way (which isn't bad, I've just been playing borderlands games for so long that it kinda gets stale after a while). The story is horribly written and sucks humongous ass, it disappointed me so much that, although I have purchased the season pass, I still haven't opened the game again to play any of the DLC.
In conclusion: fuck you Randy pitchford

Superhot is the most innovative shooter I've played in years!

this dinosaur sucks ass and I hope it dies

This game is an hack and slash that features Raiden from Metal Gear Solid

Still haven't beaten the final boss but I liked everything that led up to it


The gameplay is not anything special and the story is pretty bland, however, the character design and setting are a joy to look at.

spritework is gorgeous and story gets interesting in certain points but that's about it