so good that it started the trend of horribly uninspired roguelikes that somewhat continues to this day

Biggest drawback of this game is that it's all vibes with no real substance behind them. In my opinion that's a good thing tho, makes you feel a lot without having to think particularly hard about what is going on

Lightmatter tries a bit too hard to be portal at times and it starts off really slow, the gameplay and story do get more interesting as it goes on, making it an overall enjoyable experience

really unique and fun rpg, very short but 100% worth its price for how good what's in the game is.

had a good time with it, story is not that good but the gameplay is really polished

by far the best open world game I've ever played, too bad it barely feels like a Zelda game.

great improvement from the first game on almost every aspect (levels are a bit short and gameplay is not as good as the first BUT the story and overall atmosphere are a lot better), overall a pretty solid old school styled fps.


this game sucks ass but it was like the first game I played so I kinda love it

bad, can't play the dlcs and the original campaign that I paid for, game had connectivity issues on launch that still persist to this day (wouldn't be that big of a deal if it wasn't online only) game feels bloated and uninspired and setting is "I can't believe it's not warframe!"