Elden Ring is an extremely polished game whose biggest sin is feeling like a "Greatest Hits" playlist of FromSoftware games. It has original ideas for its setting and characters but also constantly takes concepts from previous souls games to expand upon them or revisit them (to be clear, I don't think this is necessary a bad thing, but I think the plot would've been more memorable if they had experimented more with the themes and setting like they did with Bloodborne or Sekiro, instead of playing it sort of safe with another medieval fantasy game with slight nods to the deities of Bloodborne). Although I love the souls games (mostly for the extremely detailed worlds they take place in). This was the first one I was actually able to play start to finish, you decide if that's a good or a bad thing.

the amount of love that was poured into the new content is incredible. The atmosphere goes from goofy, to tense, to straight up creepy/unnerving and it does everything extremely well. Certain sections of the game serve as brilliant meta commentary of the videogame industry, other parts felt a bit too "lol random" at first (like the bucket) but I grew to love all that this game has to offer. This game might not be coherent in what it has to offer but it is extremely coherent in its quality.

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if you don't like this game you're transphobic

I actually really liked this sorry

thanks Yoko Taro for making me trans my gender

has some pacing issues (especially towards the end of the game) but is still a very good time, the level design is a bit more hand-holdy that metroid fans are probably used to but that's not necessarily a bad thing. Story is tropey as hell but fun.


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I had to pause multiple times to take a Crying Break during the final couple hours of the game, very very few games have managed to make me feel like that before or since finishing this game.

Really makes you feel like a spider, man

I don't remember anything about this game, I was like 4 when I played it. 5/5.

played the entire thing in one sitting, felt like a big step down from Ancient Gods part one and vanilla Eternal