After excellent Dirt 2 they decided to go all-in on gymkhana and drifting and everything cool, while rally racing was left on the background. Dirt 3 has a deep identity crisis as it tries hard sell european rally racing for USA-audience, without having much success.

You mother wants a bigger house and more money, so she sells your sister to slavery and sends you to the streets to earn some cash for her. What a grand adventure! You get to run nearby street corners back & forth for 40 hours, and sometimes you can go to a cave, but it's the same cave every time. After the stunning 5/5 first game this was my all-time biggest disappointment in gaming.

This was my first Resident Evil game and I loved every second of it. Played it through multiple times alone & with friends and all DLC too. Played remastered version on PS4 recently, and it hadn't aged at all. Without overly hard quick-time events that prevent me from ever completing the hardest difficulty this game would be perfect. I'm just not fast enough.

Absolutely loved the setting, characters, music and story for the first half of the game, but then it all went downhill, gameplay and story especially. You had to sit in the bush and stare at NPC movement patterns, while story went to some ridiculous mumbo-jumbo shit, and then came the boss fights... Just why? All that fantastic character growth and developement was for nothing in the end, and it all just made me sad. Stopped caring about anything two chapters before end and called it a quit.

Completely predictable, boring story with bad writing and uninteresting characters.


Rubi is one of the most likeable main characters in gaming if you ask me. This grindhouse third person shooter was all about style points, not about execution but execution with style. Art style, excellent soundtrack and hilariously stupid story played together perfectly. Wall running slow-motion action was great fun, but often annoying thanks to camera that was not always able to follow the flow. Sadly, a sequel for this game was cancelled in the middle of the development.

This was my first PS3 game and I loved it. Difficulty and lenght were spot on, and ability to share creations online was revolutionary. Sadly, later games in the series were not on the same level of perfection. Would love to have this remastered with online features!

It's a good tower defense game that for some reason didn't get all the attention it would have deserved. Only problem with this game was that the difficulty was so tight that there often was only one correct way to arrage your towers in order to progress. When strategy game does this, it stops being an strategy game and it becomes a puzzle game with one solution you have to figure out. You are then not forming a strategy but figuring out that one predefined solution.

First game was still searching for it's direction, but this game is more fleshed out and everything is bigger & better. Nathan Drake really, really wants to know the truth and he's going to kill thousands of men to get there. Later in the game it's firefights are just too long, enemies keep coming like there's no end, and that boss fight... just why? Puzzles and exploration are the reason I play these games.

InFamous 2 is better and begger than the first game in every way, but not much has changed. Good/bad morality system that forces you to only make only good or bad choices is still here, preventing players from making actual, impactful choices. There is no room for neutrality either. It's still a good game.

Of all mainline entries in the series I think this one is the best. This game has much more realistic take on things than GTA 5 that went all-in on crazy comedy & mission impossible. Story of Niko felt real. City felt real and cars behaved more realistically. Map felt bigger because it lacked that empty desert area with nothing to do and was all city. And Oxygene was playing in the radio. One remaster, please!

One of the first racing games on PS3, but it was never bested. It's still the best racing game on PS3. It's a pure antigravity racing Wipeout perfection with excellent soundtrack, 60fps gameplay and 1080p graphics. Tracks were varied and best in the series. I still love this game, but highest difficulty was just stupid.

In retrospect it looks like they made this third-person sci-fi space survival shooter absolutely perfect by accident, because later installments in the series, made with much more money & attention, ended up sucking in comparison. Story here is very good, and that's largely because main character doesn't yet speak and we don't know what moron, whiny jerk asshole he really is. This game is a miracle. Claustrophobic adventure in dark, pitch black space. One of the best games ever made.

This is still the best Borderlands game there is. Unlike in every subsequent entry in the series, bad writing doesn't get in the way of the gameplay all the time. You don't have to listen someone talking to you constantly, without pause. You can actually feel that you are alone in the postapocalyptic world and experience an immersion. And also you can play this game alone because the level of difficulty doesn't yet try to force you in co-op.

This game was fantastic, but it was destroyed by the worst rubber-band AI I have ever experienced. If you just stayed the whole race at the last place and then stepped on the gas & used all your nitros on the last lap, just before the finish line, you always won. Going for the 1st place from the start was just waste of time. That's not exactly racing or very exciting, it was all about adapting to the broken AI behavior.