Completely predictable, boring story with bad writing and uninteresting characters.

This is one of best examples on how to make a sequel to a story-driven game. It expands and deepens the lore but doesn't overdo it. It continues the original story and stays believable, unlike Bioshock Infinite. Bioshock 2 is better game than excellent Bioshock 1 was, and Minerva's Den DLC is the best part of it.

Driving one track back and forth for an hour is not really what I want from a racing game, but I got this game for free from PS+ so I gave it a go. Career events were just too long and boring. Best way to play this game was to create short custom championships and forget that career mode even exists. Didn't find this game hard at all. Completed pretty much everything on first try.

This was not just a cash grab, it was a completely playable game that took something like seven hours to complete. It had some music and I think also voice acting that had been taken directly from the movies. Nobody would play anything like this, but it had Lord of the Rings in it so we had to.

It's a platformer puzzle game that's about three hours long and playing it is very frustrating experience. It's unresponsive, clumsy and often it's just impossible to jump correct distance without first dying approximately seven times, all because camera is unable to follow your actions. One star for trying to be cute and likeable.


Map was huge, and because it was apocalypse there were huge amounts of gasoline laying around everywhere. There were no civilization or towns, but races were organized everywhere all the time. Of course, nothing makes any sense in the end of the world. Plenty of cars and bikes to choose from, and they all behaved differently. This was a very good racing game, a highly underappreciated gem!

Unlike Fallout 4 and 76, this game actually managed to have lot of the same Fallout-atmosphere and soul that Fallout 1 and 2 had. Main quest was awful, badly written junk, but many of the side quests were good. World of Fallout 3 feels realistic and believable, unlike in Fallout 4 & 76, and that's pretty much the most important thing for a game that relies on player immersion and role-playing.

This was pretty basic third-person shooter with overly sensitive dudebro main character that was must for every game at the time, but enviromental destruction and nice scifi aesthetics raised it above other similiar titles. Sledgehammer gameplay was just plain fun. Main story took itself a bit too seriously, but Demon's of the Badlands DLC story was much better.

This game was fantastic, but it was destroyed by the worst rubber-band AI I have ever experienced. If you just stayed the whole race at the last place and then stepped on the gas & used all your nitros on the last lap, just before the finish line, you always won. Going for the 1st place from the start was just waste of time. That's not exactly racing or very exciting, it was all about adapting to the broken AI behavior.

This was a short and sweet game, totally worth of the asking price. Excellent sound effects and playability.

First game was still searching for it's direction, but this game is more fleshed out and everything is bigger & better. Nathan Drake really, really wants to know the truth and he's going to kill thousands of men to get there. Later in the game it's firefights are just too long, enemies keep coming like there's no end, and that boss fight... just why? Puzzles and exploration are the reason I play these games.

In retrospect it looks like they made this third-person sci-fi space survival shooter absolutely perfect by accident, because later installments in the series, made with much more money & attention, ended up sucking in comparison. Story here is very good, and that's largely because main character doesn't yet speak and we don't know what moron, whiny jerk asshole he really is. This game is a miracle. Claustrophobic adventure in dark, pitch black space. One of the best games ever made.

Of all mainline entries in the series I think this one is the best. This game has much more realistic take on things than GTA 5 that went all-in on crazy comedy & mission impossible. Story of Niko felt real. City felt real and cars behaved more realistically. Map felt bigger because it lacked that empty desert area with nothing to do and was all city. And Oxygene was playing in the radio. One remaster, please!

InFamous 2 is better and begger than the first game in every way, but not much has changed. Good/bad morality system that forces you to only make only good or bad choices is still here, preventing players from making actual, impactful choices. There is no room for neutrality either. It's still a good game.

This game was one of the reasons I bought a PS3, but I was unable to complete even the basic tutorials. I just couldn't do the combos. Loved Street Fighter 2 back in the days and I wanted badly to play this game but was unable to do it and didn't get any better with practice. Didn't touch modern fighting games again after this one. Hardest game i've ever played.