First game was still searching for it's direction, but this game is more fleshed out and everything is bigger & better. Nathan Drake really, really wants to know the truth and he's going to kill thousands of men to get there. Later in the game it's firefights are just too long, enemies keep coming like there's no end, and that boss fight... just why? Puzzles and exploration are the reason I play these games.

Absolutely loved the setting, characters, music and story for the first half of the game, but then it all went downhill, gameplay and story especially. You had to sit in the bush and stare at NPC movement patterns, while story went to some ridiculous mumbo-jumbo shit, and then came the boss fights... Just why? All that fantastic character growth and developement was for nothing in the end, and it all just made me sad. Stopped caring about anything two chapters before end and called it a quit.

It's a good tower defense game that for some reason didn't get all the attention it would have deserved. Only problem with this game was that the difficulty was so tight that there often was only one correct way to arrage your towers in order to progress. When strategy game does this, it stops being an strategy game and it becomes a puzzle game with one solution you have to figure out. You are then not forming a strategy but figuring out that one predefined solution.


Map was huge, and because it was apocalypse there were huge amounts of gasoline laying around everywhere. There were no civilization or towns, but races were organized everywhere all the time. Of course, nothing makes any sense in the end of the world. Plenty of cars and bikes to choose from, and they all behaved differently. This was a very good racing game, a highly underappreciated gem!

This was my first PS3 game and I loved it. Difficulty and lenght were spot on, and ability to share creations online was revolutionary. Sadly, later games in the series were not on the same level of perfection. Would love to have this remastered with online features!

This game was generic, bland, unimaginative and repetitive cover shooter against generic clone enemies, but it still wasn't a big hit, witch was a great surprise. Main character was basically the same dude as in almost every other game at the time. This game had one creative thing going: an inversion mechanic that allowed you to flip the world upside down, but it was not utilized enough to make this game any special or to make it stand out.

It's Army of Two in space. You don't find Dead Space 1/2 here. It's all about shooting some generic dude-clones in a corridor from cover while talking some embarrassing shit with your dudebro friends. Isaac Clarke had some lobotomy done and there are no horrors anymore. It's a painfully boring, overly long, repetitive, shitty social game with simply nothing interesting going on, no reason to continue playing it. RIP Dead Space.

Unlike Fallout 4 and 76, this game actually managed to have lot of the same Fallout-atmosphere and soul that Fallout 1 and 2 had. Main quest was awful, badly written junk, but many of the side quests were good. World of Fallout 3 feels realistic and believable, unlike in Fallout 4 & 76, and that's pretty much the most important thing for a game that relies on player immersion and role-playing.

This was not just a cash grab, it was a completely playable game that took something like seven hours to complete. It had some music and I think also voice acting that had been taken directly from the movies. Nobody would play anything like this, but it had Lord of the Rings in it so we had to.

This game was one of the reasons I bought a PS3, but I was unable to complete even the basic tutorials. I just couldn't do the combos. Loved Street Fighter 2 back in the days and I wanted badly to play this game but was unable to do it and didn't get any better with practice. Didn't touch modern fighting games again after this one. Hardest game i've ever played.

One of the first racing games on PS3, but it was never bested. It's still the best racing game on PS3. It's a pure antigravity racing Wipeout perfection with excellent soundtrack, 60fps gameplay and 1080p graphics. Tracks were varied and best in the series. I still love this game, but highest difficulty was just stupid.

This was my first Katamari game. Didn't expect much, but it turned out to be one of my all time favourite games and one of the best games PS3 has. Gameplay was perfect, soundtrack was best I've ever heard in a game & humour and writing won me over instantly. Levels were all fantastic, varied and difficulty was spot on. There is nothing I would change in this game.

I love Monster Hunter World, but Iceborne content just wasn't on the same level. New monsters were mostly just a more annoying versions of the old MHW monsters, and the new end game content, the Guiding Lands you are supposed to farm for hundreds of hours, was extremely tiny and poorly designed. When you reach the Grinding Lands you already have the best armor & weapons, so what's the point? Augments only? And Lynian Researcher quests, wtf?

Completely predictable, boring story with bad writing and uninteresting characters.

In my books, this is true Resident Evil 6 and what they released as Resident Evil 6 is to be erased from history. That game didn't happen. Story is good, and claustrophobic ship & ocean setting is fantastic for a horror game. Jill Valentine in her blue wetsuit is an excellent lead characted. Only complaint I have for this game is that it's a bit too small ship, and running the same corridors back & forth gets a bit tiresome.