Fun game, but is ruined a bit by the always on nature, servers don't work that great

This game kinda stunk
I would NOT consider this a metroidvania, it's got little backtracking, and the backtracking it has is not interesting (just follow the colours), do not expect to remember the full map and have fun exploring
Combat is unique, but nothing to keep me playing
Anyway, would not play again

Way better combat, and still very fun, but was full of filler, a short story, and no real reason to come back to it because it's such a small game

idk what reviewers are smoking, but this is a fantastic game. Compared to BotW, it's infinitely better, and I'd choose this over BotW pretty much every time now.

That being said, I would like it to improve too. Mostly in the story, and longer dungeons, but this was a good step in the right direction.

Really good, only thing holding it back is the hardware

Improves upon everything, while removing nothing. This is how a remaster should be

If there was ever a mech game to play, this is it.