This DLC bumped Elden Ring to my top 4. Why? Because it’s the only game I’ve ever played that successfully recreated the experience of playing for the first time again.

From the world exploration and finding awesome Dungeons to triumphing over difficult bosses Shadow of the Erdtree is simply a masterpiece.

This is a what expansions should be and SoET has set a standard so high it’ll be hard to reach.

I’m feeling a 10/10!!!!!


Wow was Resistance 3 such a major improvement over 2. It fully returns to its basic roots which is a game that has taken a massive amount of inspiration from Half Life and pulls it off pretty well. I really thought it was awesome.

Joe was a way better protagonist than Hale and and in a lot of ways that story here was better than the first two games. This one is my favorite of the trilogy.


Resistance 2 has an identity crisis. It says: “Hey let’s do call of duty” to “nah actually Halo!” To “actually the half-life inspirations worked” and it does that for the whole game.

This game is RIDDLED with instant death traps that turn levels into trial and error garbage. Seriously the level design is awful in this game.

Hale makes all these new friends that he barely gets to know and in the last few missions 99% of them get killed off and I felt nothing.

The only reason you’d ever want to play Resistance 2 is to understand Resistance 3.


This is a fun shooter with a very creative take on the alien invasion concept. Combining the WWII Shooter with the Sci-fi Shooter is awesome.

Gun play holds up and fighting through forces of chimera has a gradual scale in difficulty. Worth a try/replay. I’m feeling an 8/10

I LOVED this DLC and reminds me of the arcade like fun American Nightmare brought to Alan Wake. If we had a small mode where you could run around shooting things like in Rose’s Episode it’d be the perfect DLC. It’s also short. 9/10

Just finished NG+ after not playing for a bit but wanted to log it on here so it’d make sense for my Night Springs Review to ALSO be on here. Yeah I love this game. If combat was better it’d be perfect. 9/10

Wow that was the worst thing I’ve played in a while. It’s not even like bad in terms of how it’s made it’s just boring. It is a rushed conclusion to Killzone 3’s story and ditches everyone involved with the trilogy. Gameplay is boring and lost all sense of identity. Seriously the first section felt like a mini far cry and then ditched it. The Owl sucked to use and for a part of the game they just ditch it because the level design wasn’t good for it.

Main character was uninteresting and the worst of what killzone has ever offered. Should’ve played as the Helghast woman, Echo, the whole time it would’ve made the game actually interesting.


I actually liked Killzone 3 more than Killzone 2.

The story still isn’t that great but Killzone 3 had a more comprehensive idea of exactly what the “Killzone” is. When the ISA invasion of Helghen goes wrong you and your squad must escape. When the Helghast leaders introduce new weapons at the end of the war it leaves the remaining ISA forces stranded on the hostile planet.

The battles are bloody, you are heavily outnumbered, and you’re taking any opportunity to escape this hell hole planet no matter how desperate.

However the story is filled with inconsistencies and weird continuity errors that come across lazy. Killzone 3’s story ultimately feels rushed. There’s a few new characters one of them gets such an abrupt introduction it’s almost like they forgot to include her in Killzone 2. Not to mention some characters from Killzone 2 straight up don’t appear and are never acknowledged.
I’m feeling an 7.5/10

Wow this game is good.

Emotional storytelling and great platforming make for an awesome experience.

Challenging boss fights make winning feel great

Combat can be fun but also frustrating.

I’m feeling an 8/10 because the ending made me a bit emotional ngl.

while it is an improvement over the first game still feels like it lacks depth in the main story. The pacing is very off and characters die before you can really get to know them so it’s overall less impactful when they are killed off.

It feels like it tries to imitate the shock value of Call of Duty but with non of the nuance. They introduce Radec and he is an underwhelming villain who kills off a key character but two missions later he is defeated in a pretty lackluster fight.

7.5/10 kind of disappointed with this one especially after how this hailed as the best Killzone.

While Killzone is a PlayStation classic its punishing checkpoints can really bum out the vibe.

However what makes it an enjoyable experience is how atmospheric it is. There’s no music just bullets flying and soldiers dying. It feels like a gritty battlefield and terrible bloody war.

You can plays as one of four characters but they don’t have any key differences in gameplay.

Story is okay but there could’ve been more depth to it.


While Rise of the Ronin is a fun game it has a bit of identity crisis. It takes inspiration from both the Assassins Creed RPGS and blends it with its Nioh siblings. What we end up getting is a okay story about an interesting time in Japan mixed with some fun combat even though it can be inconsistent in quality. The game also clutters your inventory frequently and the skill tree is filled with arbitrary numbers. If you want a Samurai RPG then pick Rise of the Ronin up when it hits sale prices (Rec $30 or less). 6.5/10.

WHOA CONTROVERSIAL OPINION ALERT!!!! Starfield is a great game. Like any BGS game it has a sweet hook.
Starfield has the most intriguing main story out of the recent titles. I love the ideas it presents and its execution.

Planet exploration still needs work but hey I’ve noticed those temples have moved a lot closer to player proximity so you’re not just wondering around aimlessly for a while.

Factions whilst there are only a few have long enough storylines that you’ll still get enough content out of them. They might not have many missions but each one is pretty lengthy and most are open ended.

Stealth builds are inconsistent. Needs a rework.

NG+ is actually really fun and It’s finally clicked with me! I love running through some playthroughs collecting artifacts and upgrading the dishonored like space powers. Sometimes I just explore.

The future of Starfield looks bright. More of this actually. 9/10.

An excellent DLC that really tests your skill with the paradigm system but also rewards you with a better ending for the overall game.

Genuinely a fun game with an actual comprehensive story this time. Everything that frustrated in FFXIII has been handled. New mechanics keep the game fresh. The Paradigm system feels great still. Noel and Serah are more enjoyable than the overburdened cast of FFXIII where everyone was scrambling for their 15 minutes of fame. The Lightning DLC is pretty fun too!