Lovely looking game, world building sort of there but not quite. Gameplay loop too slow. I don't like sim games where things get too chaotic, but at one point I had to wait a total of 24 hours for techs to research before I could do anything. I ended up saving, and doubt I'll go back.

Only dropped a couple of hours into this but never fancied picking it up after putting it down. Looks gorgeous, if samey and uninspiring. Looks realistic would be a better description. Imaginative but marred with terrible direction and story-telling. The cutscenes are well-produced but often fall prey to amateurish devices and tropes, like infodumps and antihero behaviours. It's stuff that seems to be passable in games but would be laughed at in films, just things that are ludicrous and highly unlikely.

Playing was sort of fun, and I haven't laughed so hard at a game as I did when stumbling down a hill with a corpse strapped to me. Probably not meant to be funny, but I pissed myself.

Soundtrack is dreary.

An excellent game, but the third act felt disconnected from the first two and I didn't pick it up again.

Excellent game. A puzzler with zero frustration. First time in forever!

It didn't hold my attention, so abandoned after 45 mins

An excellent game. It's a great example of crafted game-making. The art and sound design are well suited to the game, and whilst the UI does get a touch cluttered, and some movement is clunky it hangs together very well. Text size could be bigger - playing on the Steam Deck via a TV required frequent use of the magnifying glass. The puzzles are quite varied and rarely too difficult. The immersion is pretty much there, with just a few unanswered questions. My only criticism really is that as the game progresses your botanical knowledge increases and some puzzles require reading through this data which takes more time as the game progresses. There are a couple of issues with the gameplay loop (in one case having to remember the previous day, which in my playthrough was five real-world days earlier, in another case getting to the ending without realising I'd missed something leading to frustration).

The narrative works, which is something I find far too uncommon in video games. It's simple, branches a few times, and you lack much in the way of agency but the yarn does add to the immersion, as does the map.

Overall, it's well worth the asking price and well worth the six or seven hours it takes to complete a run. I can certainly recommend it.

Abandoned after an hour. The game and UI design is unintuitive and I didn't really have a clue what I was doing. I can see how the gameplay would scale, and I imagine there's a game in there, but I didn't find it and I have dozens of other games to play so if it hasn't caught me now, I'm not willing to invest further.

The horrible controls and tepid story are entirely forgivable as the game is an absolute classic. I say this without hyperbole simply because it is unique, at least to me, insofar as it created an atmosphere of pure terror and unmitigated tension. My muscles ached, I woke during the night and had nightmares. It's been a long time since a game has given me such a visceral response. I'm only a quarter of the way through and I'm scared to play again
And so, on the basis of it being so entirely immersive and fresh I give it full marks.

Note: this is the first Resident Evil I've played.

Refunded in Steam. This could be the quintessential tower defence game; it has depth, variety and strategy. Unfortunately, the RNG hasn't been tuned. This leads to frequent early abandonment or losses, which bloats the playthrough. I enjoyed playing the game and never got frustrated but the balance is swayed in favour of luck a little too much for me to continue the grind. A shame, as it has that bare bones experience that I want from a tower defence.

Tetris is the quintessential computer game. I'm sure this new edition offers some interesting new mechanisms, but I only lasted ten minutes before the distracting strobes and light effects just started to become distracting, I'm sure another five mins and I'd have had a migraine. Style over substance.

I'm sad to say that were it not for the lovely visuals this would have nothing to offer. It's a standard platformer, with a basic narrative and tried and tested mechanics. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, I just find no enjoyment with it, boredom kicks in and taking a break is the death knell; I'll never pick it up again.

I played for maybe 15 mins before calling it quits. Perhaps it gets more fun, but for me as the tutorial room got more messy I felt I had less control and just wanted to get out of there. Throwing books at spiders wasn't fun, it was awkward. It just had the feel of a demo / idea.


Great voice acting and script, nice looking, some novel mechanisms. But for a gamer like me, who isn't too good at these sort of games, I found my levelling up and progress behind the rate of the game. After I first beat the first boss, in my fourth attempt (maybe my eighth run) I felt I hadn't improved enough as a player or as a character to continue. I think that if I'd enjoyed the combat more I may have been more inclined to carry on. It's a good game though.