147 reviews liked by Osohe

My wife: i like sonic
Her sister: i dont
Me (full of wife’s penis): mmhghhfff
The chairs:
Her dead husband:
Egg man: i hat that hedgehog

If you hate the story, you lack media literacy

Excellent series revival, makes the boss fights fun even without buster, and also has awesome additions like the double gear gimmick being used well, whilst still feeling optional. I used it far less for tricky platforming on this run and I find that to be more rewarding. Also some good lore here for those who care. Robot masters and their weapons all are great (I especially love how you get unique outfits rather than palette swaps), and the parts system is a fun marriage of what 8 introduced alongside 9 and 10’s minor item shops. Only complaint is the final stages are genuinely too little. There’s two full sized ones with their own bosses (though I wish we didn’t do another Yellow Devil. This is 4 classic games in a row (6 if you count &Bass and Powered Up) with a devil boss, and that is beyond tiring. Beyond that? Obligatory boss rush for a third stage, though I’m glad it’s separate from anything of substance, and a hallway that leads into the final bosses. I still adore this game, and it deserves the praise it gets, and the fact that it’s now the best selling in the series. This is how you do a 2.5D revival of your series. Breed familiarity with a unique twist, and design it meticulously. Doesn’t hurt that it’s also just 30 dollars at base, so no one’s being overcharged beyond compare by a 2D side scroller that’s short and replayable. Good as hell replay, I hadn’t revisited this since 2018 and I left loving it even more.

While understandably one of the most iconic games out there, I find it just too easy, barring the security system in Wily Castle.

While I wish the story was more fleshed out and had more variety to its levels rather than just blatantly reusing assets, the combat mechanics and improvements to the upgrade and item system, along with the addition of Bloody Palace, are so good and make the game so much fun to play that I was willing to forgive its flaws for how great its strengths are. Also, this might be my favorite iteration of Dante in terms of design, characterization, and gameplay.

You know you made a good ass game when it is hard as hell yet I'm still having a good time with it.

There are so many good things I want to say about it but idk what to start with so I'll just list some things that came to mind.

-I love the freedom in how you are able to play the game thanks to offering different styles of play, the various different weapons that offer different uses and feels, and the customization between the two makes it really fun to mess things around with on replays and makes the more fleshed out combo system that much greater.

-Dante and Vergil both feel great to use and got a kick out of each of their unique strengths, it's hard to tell who I like more just because of how much I enjoyed each of them.

-I was a lot more engaged in the story than I was expecting, not only in how over the top and entertaining it can be, but also how surprisingly good the voice acting and performances were, especially given this was an era where video game voice acting at this time still needed time to improve.

-The graphics and art style I was really impressed by. I was surprised at the improvements and details the game had compared to the previous two games, while still being on the same console as them. Some areas honestly looked like something out of an early PS3 title, which made me really impressed with it overall.

-The soundtrack is an absolute fucking banger, that's all.

Overall, I'm not sure if I would call this a perfect game mainly due to how hard it can be along with some of the enemies, I feel, need some proper tweaking, but god damn, I now get why this game helped DMC actually become something worthwhile for a lot of people compared to 1 and 2. I am now looking forward to what the rest of the series offers.

need to smoke the shit miyazaki did when designing these bosses

this game has weirdly grown on me simply bc i find it hilarious as hell

(Only did Dante's campaign, not even going to bother with Lucia's)

The gameplay has as much depth as a Lego game and feels like a total nothing burger, but at least it introduces a lot of interesting ideas that I wish were utilized better and is pretty short, so it never feels like a drag.

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