A solid 7/10 game that just overstays its welcome. The character interactions and gameplay are good and I really enjoyed the dungeon exploration. But by the 4th labyrinth, I started to get burned out by the game and completely lost interest by the second to last boss. This game did make look forward trying the Etrian Odyssey series at some point.

I finally found the game that I would rather play Danganronpa S over. People say Sonic 06 and Boom are the worse Sonic games, well they're fucking wrong. I have Sonic Boom right next to me and I could pop that game in my dusty Wii U and get a better experience. This game is the worst game in the series and there's nothing redeemable about it.

Honestly, this game is pretty underrated

This is like a simulator of babysitting a crack head walking around Philly. The perfect Philly simulator.

I don't get the hate for this game. This is just pure fun through and through. The story may not be as good as other stories in the series but it was definitely a lot better than what I was expecting. Highly recommend this game for fans of the series. It's such a good love letter to the series and it can stand on its own at the same time. It's the Sonic Generations of the series but with a better story.

The real take away from this game is that England sucks and it's a terrifying place to live in.

An amazing game and a step up from Binding Blade in terms of story and characters. I like how each of your units have some role in the story and it makes them feel like actual characters, much like in Genealogy, Echoes, and Three Houses. This game's story is a great extension to Binding Blade's story and I think both are incomplete without the other. For the gameplay, it's the same as in Binding Blade but I like that each map has different objectives to keep things fresh. The only negative thing that I have for this game is Lyn's slow tutorial chapters. I know why they did that and it's great for newcomers to the series, but for veteran players, it can feel restrictive at times for your first playthrough.

A 4 year in the making playthrough for a 5 hour game

One of the most boring and tedious ass games I have ever played. I'm not waiting for 5 minutes for a suit of armor that has nothing to do with the story move it's slow ass just to get the A ending. There elements of a good story here but it's held back by its bad game designs. I shouldn't have to it for an enemy to scare Alyssa to switch to Bates. Switching to Bates should be automatic once you put down the Amulet. This game has too much waiting.

Another successful game of making Death my delivery boy and Dracula my fry cook. A very good remake of the first game and the preferred version I would play if want to replay the first Castlevania.

I'm never touching this game for the rest of my life. I have never felt such hatred inside of me until I played this game. The story and characters really carry this game. Take me back to Genealogy please. Also, fuck the ballistae in this game.

Edit: I decided to play some more to see if I could at least beat it and now I slightly hate it even more. This game brings nothing but pure malice out of me. I have played some shitty games that are more real than this fairytale ass game.

This game has fucking awful level design. It only had two good levels out of seven. Fuck this game.

Had a fun time with this one even though it took me a long time to finish. I appreciate that they remade the first game for people who had not played the first game and to tell Shadow Dragon's story a lot better. It is also less frustrating to beat too.
Onto Mystery of the Emblem, it's a good follow up after the events of Shadow Dragon and continues Marth and his friends' story nicely. I also like that some maps have scenarios where you don't have to kill some of the enemies to compliment the story. The story was also more compelling than Shadow Dragon. The graphics and sounds for this game are pretty good for the Super Famicom. Overall, a pretty solid game and definitely worth to check out.

As a remake, this game is very disappointing. There was very little love put into this game compared to other Pokemon remakes and that just makes me sad. I love Gen 4 and these games deserved better.
The only additions I like in this game is OST, reworking the HMs, walking with your Pokemon, and improving the battles of the Elite Four and Cynthia. The battle with Cynthia in this game actually makes you think carefully about your choices.
Outside of those, it's just a slightly better version of Diamond and Pearl. Platinum is still the better game as it fixed the problems with this game's story. Platinum made Cyrus a better character, Cynthia is more involved with the story, and having Giratina being a part of the main plot. BDSP would have been better with those story improvements and the addition of a Platinum episode for the post game. The game could have also benefited adding in Pokemon from Gens 5-8 in the wild and for the gym leaders and Elite Four. There is still a lack of diversity of wild Pokemon in this game.

In summary, play Platinum instead.

A great game that is fun with friends