lmao i watched this shit on youtube just so i could play automata

it wasn't even worth it, fuck you yoko taro you chump

Pretty unique turn-based JRPG for the 3DS, directed by THE Yasumi Matsuno, responsible for the Ivalice games, Tactics Ogre, etc. It's really short for a JRPG, with NG and NG+ being only 16 hours total (for me), but I don't mind. It looks like it's heavily inspired by tabletop RPGs, what with the characters all being board pieces, the style of narration, and the significance of dice in gameplay. Combat is mostly your typical turn-based fare, with the addition of the dice system that lets you roll dice to determine whether or not attacks hit. Character customization and managing equipment is pretty fun too. It's not too deep in the writing department, but I enjoyed everything it had to offer.

The experience was hardly discernible from MM2 for me.

It's pretty good. Not much else to say about it.

Sonic Advance if it was good.

Level design was pretty fun, aside from the myriad of "gotcha!" deaths. This problem was VERY apparent in Night Carnival and especially Altitude Limit. At least the issue is mostly alleviated on your second playthrough, since you'll know where the bullshit is.

The addition of the tension gauge was really smart, and it makes speeding through levels more fun than just holding down one direction and spin dashing sometimes. The same goes for tricks as well.

Of course, a Sonic game wouldn't be complete without shit bosses, and Rush delivers with some godawful ones. Almost all of them go on way too long, with 90% of the time being spent waiting for them to open their weak spot for you to do something. There's only like, two Exceptions.

Personally, I really liked the soundtrack, composed by Hideki Naganuma. It's definitely one of the more unique soundtracks in the Sonic franchise, but it fits very well regardless.

we jammin to "The Dragon Gave a Loud Scream : In Holy Night"

most effort ive ever seen in a flash game, sheesh

the god island was the best one

Fun little mech/flight combat sim. You play as a mechgirl that can shift between a flight form and a fighter form (with a sword!), and you shoot down enemies and some bosses.

It's noticeably very low budget, with low music, mission, enemy, boss, environment, and customization variety. But the core gameplay is pretty fun!

cool, VERY short (<30 minutes) platformer that periodically changes how you're allowed to progress

the entire OST is just one song and a couple remixes of that song

but goddamn, it do go hard doe. luna ascension in particular changes lives.

Edit: nvm about the remix thing, just learned what a leitmotif is

UPDATE: Well would you look at that? A gacha game funded a new Star Ocean sequel AND a new Valkyrie profile game. And here I thought gacha was the "scourge of gaming". Strange!

It was only worth it for all the valkyrie profile collabs.

But that was far more than a good enough reason for me. I'll miss you, SO:A. Heres to another tri-ace game, someday...

i 40-boxed one time

don't 40 box

easily the best gacha game i've ever played though, felt like an mmo

bro this game is fun as fuck with friends

This game is repetitive as fuck, I wouldn't bother with it unless you're a big SRW fan or something.

tfw you will never play brave frontier for the first time in 2014 again