Easily one of my favorite shmups. Mechanically, it's fairly simple as far as shmups go; you shoot down enemies while avoiding fire. You got focused shooting and movements, bombs, etc. But there's something different about Mushihimesama that makes it so fun to play, I can't explain it. Weaving through dense bullet patterns while mowing down wave after wave of enemies feels so satisfying.

The soundtrack is great too. My personal favorite mode was Original 1.5 MAX, mostly because of the exclusive gameplay mechanics, but also because it's got the best arrangements of each song. Hearing "Like a Night of Falling Stars" for the first time is not a feeling I'll forget anytime soon. I also want to mention the aesthetic. The whole bug and nature theme it has is really unique, and cool too. Mushi is such a great game in every department.

FUCK Stage 3 though.

Played the first two zones (and an act of the third) and resolved myself never to touch this shit again. People weren't lying when they said the game was filled to the brim with bullshit enemy and obstacle placement. Even ignoring that, the game just wasn't fun to play, period.

this shit is fucking trash dog, get the fuck off the appstore

this shit was so bad that it died almost instantly

Absolutely remarkable 2D rogue-like. I tried it a few years ago and I got bored of it quickly, before even getting the first boss cell. But I picked it up again and played all the way through to the secrete ending, and had a blast. It's very satisfying to play; carefully rolling through and parrying attacks to methodically tear apart waves of enemies. There's lots of different weapons to use, and runs are fairly consistent. Some may call this a negative, but they're too hung up on the "rogue-like" side of things. I don't want to be stuck with shitty weapons or a boring run because of bad RNG, and thankfully, in Dead Cells, this won't happen. It's perfectly replayable too, with you unlocking higher difficulty levels that change up enemies, make things less forgiving, and even open up new areas. The game looks and sounds great too.

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My favorite Megami Tensei game. The SRPG gameplay was enjoyable, and demon fusion is just as fun as ever. Main cast was good (even the cosplay girl), and I personally liked the music a lot, especially near the end of the game. The story was really cool, and the King of Bel route in particular is so fucking hype.

the american flag now triggers my fight-or-flight response

But seriously, I had a lot of fun beating Normal in Point-Device mode, even after Clownpiece and Junko dialed things up to the "just fuck my shit up" level. I fucking love the soundtrack too.

I played this shit so much when I was a kid, you don't even know. I still even have the Didj with the original cart. It's hard to describe, in retrospect, it's a scuffed, fangame-tier "classic" Sonic game with some educational shit shoehorned in. But I fucking loved it.

Pretty fun game, each sub game kept things fresh.

Best Rush game, hands down. It improved upon Rush's level design, did away with the bullshit bottomless pits that plagued Rush, and got rid of the shitty minigames that bogged down Rush Adventure. Wisps were a very cool mechanic, and combine them with wall jumping, stomping, and the homing attack and you have a game that's incredibly fun to play. Good OST too, but I do miss Naganuma's work.

Now this was a very solid game. Aside from the core platforming being really good, I appreciate how beautiful the game looks, even after almost 30 years. The soundtrack is great too. I don't have any complaints, aside from some "gotcha" moments.

Would be just as good as rush, maybe even better, if it weren't for the stupid fucking mini games. They're cool at first, but then you realize you're spending more time doing them than actually playing the game. Plus there's mandatory grinding to progress through the main story AND to get the chaos emeralds (the last one is borderline impossible without an upgraded ship). The hidden islands and missions feel like boring padding as well.

It's a shame, because the level design is about the same as Rush (less bullshit deaths, but not as satisfying to play), but the bosses are WAY better. The soundtrack is cool too, but it doesn't hold a candle to Naganuma's work in Rush. Don't think I'm gonna bother with the true ending this time around, even though the boss looks really fucking cool.

minecraft for CHADS that did not have 30 bucks

That was a very middling experience, if I ever want to play a rail shooter, I think I better just stick with Sin and Punishment.

A lot more fun than I was expecting it to be. Nothing special, but it doesn't have to be.