Completely forgot I even played this shit. This would probably be the best FF gacha game, but alas, it's not the one with a Valkyrie Profile collab.

As generous as it is, it does not absolve it from being boring as fuck.

Brave Frontier but without the 2014 early gacha magic. I tried it at launch, but dropped it pretty quickly afterwards. It did have a Valkyrie Profile collab though, which makes it the best FF gacha game.

I stumbled upon this game on accident while I was looking into the Terranigma composer's other works. Unfortunately it wasn't very fun to play at all. However, as bad as it is, I've got to give credit where credit is due; it's not without its one, singular merit! The framerate may often top out at a crisp 10 FPS, and the controls might feel like performing surgery in molasses while suffering from Parkinson's disease, but at least the music is some genuinely great stuff!

I'm going to take a page out of the "Persona 5 fan" book, and go as far as to say that this game is best experienced by NEVER EVER booting it up, and instead listening to the soundtrack here:

Just trust me on this one.

I can confidently, wholeheartedly, and unironically say that if you did not enjoy Azure Striker Gunvolt 2, you simply did not get it.

You missed the point.

You played it wrong.

You could have received the benefit of the doubt for the first Gunvolt game, but this game has been polished to a noticeable sheen; you have no excuse.

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Please be a happy ending please be a happy ending PLEASE be a happy ending don't pull any Gunvolt shit on us inti PLEASE

EDIT: Alright the ending is more on the sweet side of bittersweet, so thank you for showing us mercy, Inti.

Speaking of the finale, it was fucking amazing. Jason turning on the VRV system and entering super-dimensional space through sheer willpower. Exploring the final area and fighting the BMZ2 MA pilots in new and improved boss battles. Leibniz turning out to be a cute catgirl. Finding out that you were actually playing as Kane in the final area, and having the Kane vs Jason fight. It was all so cool. Seeing that Jason namedropped the Lightning beings, and the kids are named Elfie and Roddie, I hope we get to see Inti's take on Blasting Again someday.

But Inti, you really didn't have to make Kane say; "This is our 超惑星戦記 メタファイト! Come on, Blaster Master Zero III!!"

Card games on danmaku battles?? This has GOT to be the coolest unique mechanic in the entire series, barring LoLK's point device mode. And a lot of these stage themes were amazing (particularly stage 4, 5 and the extra).

Went in there lookin for my frog and I came out with my frog AND a really hot chick hell yeah that's what I'm talkin about

You KNOW it's a good racing game when it's got you physically leaning into turns. And that music CUMS bro goddamn.

Did you know that the Mega Man Zero series is actually the best series in the entire Mega Man franchise, bar none? This is an indisputable fact, and as such it is absolutely non-negotiable.

As far as the actual collection goes, it's just that: a collection; nothing more, nothing less. Well, I suppose there is just a little bit more. First, the music is in an (ever so slightly) higher quality. There's also an EXTREMELY easy mode that basically puts you in Ultimate mode for every game (full upgrades, basically). It's only really for individuals that void their bowels at the thought of any difficulty at all in their video games, as the average person would find it far too easy. The series isn't much harder than the average classic Mega Man game. Lastly, the most important "new" addition in the collection is that e-Reader card functionality is now built in to Mega Man Zero 3. It worked just fine in the Japanese version of the original game (although you would've needed the Card-e-Reader and the cards themselves), but it was removed in the US version (probably because the peripheral never took off in the west). Now, in the Zero Collection, you can collect cards simply by beating the games! Each of them, when enabled, can modify Mega Man Zero 3 in a wide variety of ways, including increasing weapon or cyber-elf damage, spawning or altering NPCs in the base, changing the aesthetics of the base itself, customizing the message window, and so on and so forth. You can even make it snow, and cause little cats to appear! It's not much in the grand scheme of things, but it's fun to play around with.

Since the Zero/ZX Legacy Collection has all these bonuses and more, however, there's no longer really any reason to use this for your collection needs, unless you want to play the Zero games on your DS for whatever reason. But the box art is still pretty cool!

And don't you dare skip Zero 1.

Touhou Fuujinroku: Mountain of Faith or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb

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It's a very beautiful game. The music is atmospheric, yet melodic and memorable, the artstyle is cute, and the game's utilization of 2.5D is one of the best I've seen yet. The gameplay itself is fun too.

And I'm never going to stop thinking about the fact that Grandpa was just some random dude that agreed to essentially temporarily adopt Klonoa for the sake of Huepow's mission.

Let's be real here. Most people have a comically large amount of hate towards League of Legends so they can fit in. It's not a conversation we'll ever be ready to have, but it's the truth. It's not a great game by any stretch of the imagination, but it's really not that bad either, at least back when I played. I had fun with it for a while, and, like any normal person would, when I stopped enjoying myself, I simply quit.

Most of it's problems stem from being an online competitive multiplayer game (and a MOBA at that), so it can't be helped. The very core game can be very fun, but as you play, the fundamental issues slowly become more and more apparent, and sap away your will to play the game. Trash balance, frustrating matchups, games often being held hostage by ELO terrorists, games that can go on long enough to become virtual coin flips, etc. The biggest League-exclusive complaint I have is that you have to grind to buy champs, which severely limits your freedom especially when you start out.

I definitely wouldn't recommend it when you could just be playing fulfilling single-player experiences instead, but you could do far worse as far as multiplayer games go.

Fun, but very short metroidvania. The time stop mechanic was so much fun to play around with, but at the same time, it also makes me wish that the game had more meat on its bones. The level design was good too, but the metroidvania elements almost felt like an afterthought, with you not having much reason or opportunity to backtrack with new powers. Just like the original Touhou games, the best part of this game were the boss fights and the musics. The remixes of various Touhou songs were brilliant, and the bosses were great to fight, especially in conjunction with the graze and time manipulation mechanics. As I said before, it's a good game, but I just wish there was more to it. Maybe we'll get a sequel with a PCB and/or IN campaign.

Mega Man Legends if it were bigger and better. It's just a straight improvement from the already good original game; better controls, better locations, better missions and dungeons, better enemy variety and bosses, better customization, better weapons, better story, better music, and so on and so forth. I had so much fun with the game. My only complaint is the Nino Ruins dungeon. I understand that it was that slow likely due to hardware limitations, but still. Regardless, I'm not gonna let one iffy dungeon sour the rest of my experience. I also found the end-game to be super cool too, particularly learning about Elysium and Mega Man's history. I hope that one day it's expanded on further.

Cant wait for... Legends 3...