I tried playing this a while ago, but I couldn't get a handle of the controls. Then I decided to give Ace Combat 2 a try, and a couple missions (and a Select button press) later and I felt like a real ace pilot. Came back to AC3E with my newfound skills, got every ending, and had a great time. There's a wide variety of planes to fly, in conjunction with a wide variety of missions to take on. The setpieces were so cool too, with the best highlights being Electrosphere, Geopelia, Tunnel Vision, and the Geofront missions. Hell, you even go to space in Zero Gravity! The branching story serves to contextualize the gameplay, and was pretty interesting in its own right too, with all its insane twists and developments. All things considered, AC3E is a great experience.

AC2's soundtrack mogs the FUCK out of AC3E's though. The former's little intro song is hyper than 95% of the latter's OST. Yeah yeah I get it, the lowkey vibing music compliments the tone yadda yadda yadda. Don't care, I like it better when the music dictates the tone with overwhelming force. Hopefully future AC soundtracks are more like 2 and not 3E.

يا غالب الحاجات!
يا من تتم الطلبات بواسطته!
يا من لا تُشترى فضله بالأسعار!
يا من لا يفسد عطاياه بفرض الواجبات!
يا من لا حاجة معه ولا شيء بدونه!
يا من تتجه نحوه الرغبة ولا تنحرف أبدًا!
يا من لا تنفد المطالب خزائن خزائنه!
يا من لا تتغير حكمته بأي شكل من الأشكال!
يا من لا تنقطع عنه حاجة المحتاجين!
يا من لا تضايقه الدعاء!
لقد أثنت على نفسك لعدم احتياجك لمخلوقاتك ، ويناسبك ألا تحتاج إليها ،
وقد نسبت إليهم الفقر ، فصالحهم أن يكونوا فقراء إليك.

لذلك فإن من يسعى جاهداً لإصلاح نقصه من خلال ما هو معك ويرغب في إبعاد الفقر عن نفسه من خلالك ، فقد سعى إلى حاجته في المكان الأكثر احتمالية والتقدم بطلبه من الجهة اليمنى.

ولكن من استدار في حاجته إلى أحد مخلوقاتك أو عيّن سبب منحها لغيرك ، فقد عرّض نفسه للحرمان واستحق أن يفوتك فضلك.

إني محتاج إليك:
لم يفلح مجهودي وقطعت حيلتي قبل أن أصل إليه.
دفعتني روحي إلى تقديمها لمن يقدم لك احتياجاته ولا يمكنه أن يفعل شيئًا بدونك في طلباته ، لكن هذه إحدى زلات الجناة ، وهي واحدة من عثرات المذنبين!

ثم من خلال تذكيرك لي ،
لقد استيقظت من إهمالي ، من خلال نجاحك ، وقفت من زلتي ، ومن خلال توجيهك للطريق ، عدت وانسحب من تعثري.

سبحان ربي!
كيف يسأل المحتاج من المحتاج؟
كيف يمكن للمعوز أن يلتمس المعوز؟

لذلك ذهبت مباشرة إليك ، يا إلهي ، متوسلاً ، وأرسلت إليك أملي بثقة فيك.

علمت أن
الكثيرين الذين أطلبهم منك قليلون قبل ثروتك ،
والثقل الذي أطلبه منك حقير قبل وفرتك ؛
كرمك لا يحده طلب أحد ،
يدك أعلى في منح الهدايا من كل يد!

صل على محمد وعلى آله ،
خذني من كرمك إلى فضلك
ولا تأخذني من عدلك
إلى ما أستحقه!
أنا لست أول من يطلب منك
وأنت منحته
بينما كان يستحق حجبه ،
ولست أول من طلب منك
وأنت كنت فضلًا تجاهه
بينما كان يستحق الحرمان.

صل على محمد وعلى آله ،
استجب لدعائي ، اقترب
مني ،
ارحم دعائي ،
استمع لصوتي ،

لا تقصر أملي عليك ،
لا تقطع خيطي إليك ،
لا أدر وجهي في هذا حاجتي ،
واحتياجات أخرى ،
بعيدًا عنك ،

احضر من أجلي لتلبية
طلبي ،
ومنح حاجتي ،
وتحقيق ما طلبته
قبل أن أغادر هذا المكان
من خلال خاصتك ، مما يسهل لي الأمر الصعب والمتميز بالنسبة لي في جميع الأمور!

بارك الله على محمد وعلى آله وسلم بنعمة دائمة ومتزايدة ، لا تقطع
أبديتها ولا حدود لمصطلحها ، واجعل ذلك عونًا لي وسببًا لطلب طلبي!
أنت كريمة بلا حدود!

ومن احتياجاتي يا ربي كذا وكذا.

(هنا يجب أن تذكر حاجتك ، ثم تسجد ، وتقول في سجودك ...)

لقد عزاني فضلك
وخير خيرك الطريق ،
فأسألك بواسطتك
وبواسطة محمد وأهل بيته.
(بركاتك عليهم)
أن لا تعيدني بخيبة أمل!

You know how civilizations and institutions are built upon the sacrifice and bloodshed of countless lives? As in, unjustifiable atrocities against one have been committed in the name another's prosperity? Histories, memories, Knowledge, entire Cultures have been struck down and scattered across the stars, forever lost to Time. For what? Just so we can build from the Dust that remains as we mutter a solemn Prayer; "It is what it is"?

If you think about it, the principle isn't so different for these games. In order to make a truly memorable experience, sacrifices have to be made; people must be left behind. The abject failures of game journalists and verified Twitter users across the globe serve as sweetening nectar for the victories and triumphs of determined players. I assure you, getting your ass completely beaten by lines of code is necessary in the grand scheme of things.

So to the filtered! Do not weep, rejoice! For on your backs, kino rises!

This review was written before the game released

Checked out a bit of the demo. I was pretty disappointed to learn that there are visual novel/dating sim aspects in the game, doubly so since the writing is so bad, but it's nothing a couple clicks and the occasional F can't solve. It's a shame, Neon Red and Purple are kinda bad doe 😳

Gameplay, on the other hand, feels real good, good enough to dispel my reservations. Definitely looking forward to the game now.

This review was written before the game released

Capcom makes worst logo ever

Asked to leave EVO

This review was written before the game released

Get fucked PCSX2. Dumbass emulator. Alhamdullilah, you and your plugins have been obliterated once again. Know your place, and never forget your obsolescence. Corny ass emulator. Inshallah, may the rest of the PS2 library escape your inaccurate, laggy clutches.


I remember hearing xi - halcyon in a Maplestory bossing video once (Angelic Buster, I think?) when I was a kid. And the rest was history

(I played 20 minutes of this game).

come closer, poppo player

i just want to talk.

Holy shit that campaign was BORING. Finished three levels before I hit my limit and fell asleep. I just LOVE spraying the same four spongy enemies in the same four hallways with the same four weapons. The music (as sparse as it is) is a lot better than the shitty generic Hollywood-style orchestral ambience I was expecting though. I hope Halo 3 is better.

This review was written before the game released

They could work on this game for 100 years and it still wouldn't come close to Rabi-Ribi.

watched my friend play this, but it's a vn so that basically means i played it

overall it was quite a dreadful, pathetic experience. came off to me as serial experiments lain but without any of the interesting stuff and catered solely to people with profound mental illness. alas, the extent of my """neurodivergence""" is playing shmups, so i'm afraid there's nothing but pity for me to feel in response to the author's traumadumping.

would highly recommend if hanging around the venting channel in a Falcom discord sounds like fun to you. MC was cute though; I could fix her.

welcome to the jungle dud xqcL

they really named this mfer "lil' gamin'"

This review contains spoilers

As we can see Yuuma Toutetsu has presented a rather large spoon to Okina Matara. The humor in this video game stems from the fact that Yuuma would like to consume oil but the secret god retorts at her saying, she can only have a spoonful, nothing more. Yuuma then suddenly changes her expression and body language and reveals she is indeed in possession of a spoon. And not just any spoon, it is a massive stainless steel spoon. This is funny because you would never expect someone to be casually in possession of a massive spoon to eat the fear, pleasure, grief, loathing, and resentment of living creatures with. It is completely unorthodox and uncalled for. This is why the game is so humorous and was put on the 2021 Gensokyo Incident compilation.

Unfortunately, the secret god did not find this amusing, and had Yuuma immediately obliterated.