1243 reviews liked by Paggi

Anarchy!! Anarchy!! I don't know what it means, but I looove it!!

This game was and still is the definition of absolute style and attitude. The music kicks ass and immerses you in that Tokyo-to world and can be a blast to watch just as much as it is to play. Playing it every once in awhile throughout my younger days I had not realized that not every thing about this game ages so gracefully unfortunately.

At times with the difficulty and combination of the movement not being all that great and hitting a corner of a small structure can screw you over immensely. The more I played the better I got at it and when everything is going good its fantastic, but the later stages had me pulling my hair out at times. "Why the hell are these jet fighter people trying to murder me with machine guns?!?! I can't get em off me can't get them offf ARRGHHHH!!!" Even with the difficulty and movement issues its such an ambitious game with everything packed in. Way more playable characters then I would of thought and little showdowns and boss fights thrown in as well for a game with this style based on graffiti and roller skating trickery.

This is definitely Sega at its best! Looking forward to JSRF especially with all the praise I have heard and I know Hideki Naganuma already will be bringing the funky fresh beats. Holler if ya hear me!!

I am almost platinum the game, so I can give an honest opinion about it. SVC Chaos is clearly the weakest title in the vs. series, but I have always thought that this game has a unique charm. With its roster featuring bold characters for its time, and even by today's standards, this game has a darker theme, making it feel much more serious with the clash between two major franchises.

The combat has its issues, but as a casual player, I hardly notice them. The online functionality works well, although the rollback netcode clearly struggles since the game wasn't designed to use such mechanics for online stability.

For offline players, you will find hours of content, and the game encourages you to complete it fully, making the 20 bucks definitely worth it. Despite being a problematic game, this port not only brings content for offline enjoyment but also satisfies the hardcore online players.

primeiro jogo q eu comprei na minha vida
um dos meus favoritos
bom demais

Story was interesting, fun, and short, but the ending felt unsatisfying. Bartending controls took some practice, and the pottery minigame was absurdly hard using a mouse.

I love cyberpunk settings, but I think I prefer Cosmic Wheel Sisterhood more.

it was okay.... i love minigames where you can make any kind of drink or food and that was a big draw for me. the story was intriguing but ended way abruptly

muito bom acho que nunca mais vou ser feliz

O jogo é bem atmosférico, a trilha sonora é rica e funciona perfeitamente para te colocar no ambiente do jogo. Os diálogos são muito bem escritos e o jogo toma um caminho sábio ao te deixar pensar sobre os temas que ele traz ao invés de simplesmente tentar justificar uma solução para as próprias discussões.

A trama não é a coisa mais inovadora do mundo, mas funciona como um meio de te guiar pela jogatina, mas é natural que o jogador acabe ficando mais interessado nas pequenas interações do que nos grandes esquemas da narrativa. Posso dizer que é um projeto satisfatório, criativo e feito com bastante amor.

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Joguinho muito lindinho de diálogos, escolhas e "finais". Uma história cyberpunk genuína, com uma gameplay simples, personagens excelentes e um final triste, como todo cyberpunk! Adeus Brandeis!!

One of their best entries in the series, has unique setting relative to their other games which are usually just set in Tokyo or some other part of Japan and has a very clear identity and style that almost makes it feel like a space odyssey even though the game takes place on Earth.

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fuck mem aleph