Amazing soundtrack, outstanding game. - Platinumed.

Beautiful story, Outstanding combat. - Platinumed.

relatively short, amazing combat. - Platinumed.

Brilliant story, Smooth combat. - Platinumed.

Short, impactful story, repetitive combat. - Platinumed.

Terrifying, Immersive. - Platinumed.

Boring, Basic, Good MP. - Platinumed.

Amazing soundtrack, lovely story. - Platinumed.

Love the combat, the story too. - Platinumed.

Overhyped IMO, good combat though. - Platinumed.

beautiful, immersive story. Love combat. - Platinumed.

Short, Nice, Telltale... - Platinumed.

Immersive, Beautiful. - Platinumed.

Fun, Immersive, Repetitive combat. - Platinumed.

Amazing story, nice side quests. - Platinumed.