Not sure I'd call this a game but it was an interesting way to experience Radiohead's music. Amazing visuals and great atmosphere. Sometimes it felt like it could've done more with the medium, too museum-y.

Might be nostalgia talking but one of the best 3D platformers, not only for the gameplay but also its characters and its overall charm. Had a great time 100% it after all these years.

Played it a long time ago, just remember being completely amazed by the physics in this game. Great artistic direction and puzzle design.

Movement feels alright and one-shot kills are satisfying. Can dee it being fun as a speedrun game. Not a fan of the artstyle and absolutely horrible last level.

Incredible visuals, stylized with incredible taste. Gameplay feels satisfying and has relative depth to it (combos, parry, hook, companions, upgrades...). Even though it's fun to try new combos and get higher scores, might get old after a while.

Pretty visuals, good music, decent albeit unoriginal gameplay. Was a good time for a free game.


Game was clearly made for touch platforms, that said it doesn't control horribly. Some levels are more inspired than others but overall it's a nice experience with clean graphics.

RPG with Toby Fox's caracteristic humor, introducing basic JRPG elements. Not quite the same charm as Undertale, for now at least as it's only the first chapter.

One of the best puzzle games I've played recently. Masterfully designed levels, enabling players to solve the puzzles without handholding, making them feel smart. Sound design is also great, every time you make an advancement the audio cues let you know you're on the right track.

Non-engaging story (for me), kinda clunky gameplay. Liked the concept of viusalizing memories recovered with color.

Really satisfying gameplay paired with great soundtrack that reacts to your actions. Good level design with different routes and overall very polished.