Probably one of the best puzzle games I've played. Just so creative and a real brain teaser, finding the solutions feels rewarding.

Movement is an absolute delicacy, and gathering all the collectibles plus B-sides is a considerable challenge. The accuracy of every action just makes you feel so in control. Great soundtrack!

Stunning visuals, everything about this game is just so pretty. Also, enjoyed the freedom of placing objects outdoors and the extra customisation options. That said, I feel like it didn't live up to some areas from the previous instalments, such as fruit variety and special NPC encounters. I was especially disappointed by Gulliver.

Best time I've had 100% a game. Responsive controls, great levels and really charming visuals. Felt good trying to "speedrun" the levels and finding all the lums.
Only thing keeping it from a 5 star rating are the touch mechanics on the Switch, which I wasn't a fan of.

Fun party game to play with friends for a while. Not idea for big sessions, having to hold both buttons on the tiny joy-cons can make your hands sore quickly.

NPCs are charming and the little cutscenes you get for befriending them make you want to get to know more about them. Farming feels satisfying and gradually automating tasks gives a feeling of progression.
The mines/combat sometimes felt a bit lackluster and a chore.

One of the best Mario 3D platformers. Great variety of worlds, each with it's own look and gimmick. Feels nice to be able to get the moons without having to reset the level each time.
Movement feels fluid and gives the player a good amount of skill expression.

Good ol' Kirby with all its charm and satisfying move set. Decently challenging if you go for all the boss fight challenges. Transformations are fun and give the player something new to play with.

Hadn't played many metroidvania games prior to Hollow Knight, and it took me a couple hours to really get into it, but after that I just got extremely hooked.
Perfect in almost every way; great level design, tight and satisfying movement, challenging boss fights and awesome art style and sound design.

The game shines in the same areas as other Arkane projects, world building and "immersive-sim" mechanics. What I loved most are the different powers and their respective upgrades, and how these enable the player to overcome the same scenarios in many ways.
That said, a big part of the game is gathering and using information to your advantage, and I really didn't like the way it was shown to you, I found that it all became jumbled and hard to know what was important or not. I believe the devs were aware and this introduced a bit of hand-holding, which in a game like his can take you out of the experience of figuring things out by yourself.

Beautiful game with interesting narrative. Helps having the story split into many pieces. Although it is a walking simulator, the gameplay elements are extremely enjoyable and creative.

Shooting felt pretty satisfying at first with the slow-mo on headshot kills but by the end of the game it had become quite stale, paired with the clunky movement and bad down-sight aiming. Obviously the highlight of the game is its story, which while impactful it doesn't hit as hard this many video essays later.


REALLY well designed game. Felt rewarded for solving the puzzles, even if some where a bit of a reach.

Half interesting story with really odd decisions by the characters. That ending really put me off.

Tough story it tells. Absolutely fantastic music and sense of humor. Relatively simple combat system, different status could confuse at times.