my favorite indie game and maybe favorite game, I always revisit it every so often

I have almost 80 hours in this game and have completed a single match, fun game though

the best FPS and there's no contest

this shit is fucking terrifying but I pulled through

one of the best to ever do it, I wish I could experience this game for the first time again

what a beautiful open world just for the rest of the game to be an antiquated piece of shit

suffers from the ubisoft method of game design but its probably the best in the series

On subsequent playthroughs the game does have a lot of gameplay issues but man this might be the greatest story ever told and on a first playthrough you hardly notice the bad

I don't think I went 5 minutes in the story mode without a random asset or setpiece not loading in. Multi player is same old COD

thank god they figured it out after this one

traverse 3 continents from the last bonfire to get to the boss only to get your ass whooped again simulator, great game tho

maybe my favorite multiplayer game

if i played this alone I would shit my britches