37 reviews liked by Pendulum

broke musician simulator where you can ride robots and punch other robots

very fun!

This game is a true love letter to classic survival horror games. It has that fantastic pacing I always look for in these games, a very fun interconnected map, fun and stressful gun-play, resource management that never impeded my progress but made me think about how to use my ammo. The enemy variety was also quite impressive, this game has quite a few interesting enemy types.

The story was very intriguing and always kept me engaged. The characters are pretty unique and memorable for the most part. I do think one of the plot-twists was a bit predictable but I still love how it played out in the end and I think the amount of storytelling in this 7 hour game was really commendable.

I only have a couple small complaints: the enemies sometimes get a bit janky with the level geometry. At most this made me lose a bit of immersion but ultimately it wasn't a big issue, just something that could be fixed up a bit. I also think one or two puzzles were a bit unintuitive, mainly the second storeroom secret. At the end of the day it's just a secret collectible so it's not a big deal but it did mess up my pacing a bit.

Final verdict: please play this if you like survival horror games like Silent Hill and Resident Evil. I can't describe how refreshing it felt to play a new game of this genre in 2024. I'm gonna keep an eye on this studio, I need to see what they do next.

Classic, classic, classic. It was one of my favorite Capcom games for a long time, and replaying it after so long reminds me why.

Addressing the elephant in the room first, yes, it's not survival horror in the style of the REs and the first Dino Crisis, but I don't find that to be such a problem in the case of DC2. On the contrary, I think the series gains even more of its own identity and becomes something with its own style, it's a pity it was never replicated.

Visually, it's one of the most beautiful games of its generation, the controls are the best and most responsive tank controls out there, and the combo system and item purchasing probably make it my favorite arcade-like game. The way the game flows is incredible too, definitely the best pacing in the genre, and even the minigames here are fun and engaging. A significant and quite impressive leap in quality considering the first game's quality.

It's full of variety in enemies and scenarios as well, in weapons, in everything. And even though you control two characters, you never feel like it's bloated, it's setpiece after setpiece, cutscene after cutscene, gauntlet after gauntlet. You could almost call the game survival action or something like that. Few things in games are as satisfying as taking down Raptors with the Solid Cannon, Plesiosaurus and Pteranodon with the Missile Pod, and Inostrancevia with the Anti-Tank Rifle.

It's a shame it doesn't have an item mixing system like the first game, that's the thing I miss the most from the first one. I can understand the removal of the puzzles since some of the puzzles in the first game can be confusing.

And it's also a shame Dino Crisis didn't become another branch of Capcom's survival games; Dino Crisis 2 is the best game they made during that time and in that style.

Might be the best platfomer ever made. It's either tied with Ape Escape or is better than it. Have to let the time simmer since I just beat this game (and almost 100%ed it)

Incredible levels, music, characters, story, everything. Except some chuggy framerate at parts, this is a perfect video game. A classic, an essential play. What more can I say?

For fans of living.

Remember when Mario Kart 8, one of the most successful videogames ever made, featured 2 circuits inspired by F-zero and people still considered some of the best racetracks they ever played?

There is a reason for that. F-zero is more than a racing game: it's an absolute masterful ride. It's like the most adrenaline inducing and blood pumping rollercoaster you even jumped on, a game so bombastic in everything it does that it will make you come back over and over again.

If you are new to the series it can result brutal and extremely unforgiving, but the presentation, the addictive gameplay, the hyperactive energy it has in its characters, soundtrack and extremely energetic moments makes you come back.

F-zero GX specifically was the result of an "alliance" between Nintendo, Bandai Namco and SEGA, and you can feel the flavors the third party companies put into the series and this gem, which presents the same enthrilling speed of a Sonic game and the same exagerated but also goofy energy of a Tekken game.

One of the best games from the Gamecube era. Nintendo should sue itself for not porting this masterpiece on modern consoles.

The mark this game has left on me, even after a decade later, can't be overstated.

Fist of the North Star but with more wacky bullshit, it's great!
Combat feels like RE4 mixed with DMC with more of a focus on countering enemy attacks and crowd control rather than making stylish combos, it's incredibly hard but very satisfying to learn and the pummel actions never get old (though they did absolutely destroy my arm with all the mashing).

I am literally Gene from the hit game God Hand on the PS2

It's a crime that this hasn't been rereleased in any form. This takes an already-great game and propels it to new heights. The two new grand prixes contain amazing and challenging tracks. The track creator is probably is the best in video game history.