After 2 years of studying, I’ve finally managed to complete my first game in Japanese, and what a wonderful game to play! The games level up and badge systems are PERFECT for customization in an RPG. I don’t think I’ve had as much fun with an RPG’s customization before this. My only issue is that the game didn’t let me invest everything into BP and eventually made me invest into HP, which I didn’t like. Other than that, top tier RPG and my favorite game on the N64

This here is a great game! I was having a lot of fun with my hard mode playthrough, but it could’ve used some better balancing in the later half since I think a lot of the bosses do too much damage, even with proper set up. The story is good. It didn’t blow me away, but I had fun. Music has been stuck in my head for the last month, which should speak for itself. The worst part, other than the balancing, was act 3. Not a fan of it, but it doesn’t overstay its welcome.
But I’m glad to say I get dragon quest now.

Worth a read IMO. Very interesting to see how many concepts remained the same before they were implemented into Chrono Cross. Not a must play, but if you liked Chrono Cross, it wouldn’t hurt to kill an afternoon with. Don’t expect that Chrono Cross’s story to make any more sense, though.

This game is a mess, but it captivated me far more than Chrono Trigger, and I like it more. Combat, setting, scenario, and music are all phenomenal; however, it flubs the progression and story pretty hard, but that's not enough to make me dislike the game. Game is cool, so please play it.

As a pretty casual player, I think this might be one of the most fun games I’ve played. I see why a lot of the pros don’t like this game, but this is such a nice game to kill a few hours with. Lee and Paul my GOATs

I put off Chrono Cross for 2-3 weeks to beat this. It was worth it. Can’t wait to play the rest!

Demo Review:
I found myself really entranced in the new combat system and can't wait to explore the systems more when the update fully drops. The writing is still a little up it's own butt; however, I was never bored playing the demo due to the strong use of imagery that really poked my imagination. I'm hoping the full game keeps the momentum this demo has and I will be buying it when it drops.

When making a game for kids, don’t make your final boss reliant on mashing buttons, please. I spent so many months stuck on that final boss, but this game is cool.

The soap drama situations this game can create is fun, but it’s more enjoyable to watch videos of this game, specifically Vinesauce’s legendary streams.

The two minutes that it takes you to get to each checkpoint is terrifying. Super Ghouls ‘n Ghosts was more fun to play, honestly.

Within the first hour I knew this game was going to be great.
The story is enthralling, the combat is easy but engaging, and the music is divine. When I heard secret of the forest for the first time, I said, “I’m going to hear this song 20 years from now and cry.” It’s definitely not one of my favorite games, but it sure is one of the best RPGs I’ve played
Thank you Toriyama.

Mehhhh...? The Bouncer is a funny game, but for all the wrong reasons. It has weird, interesting designs and it borrows ideas from Ehrgeiz: God Bless The Ring, but it's not fun or fast like that game. I love DreamFactory for their unique 3D games, but this ain't it.
Just play Tobal 2 or Ehrgeiz if you want a fun DreamFactory fighting game.

This game has taught me that if you make a game short but extremely polished, I will play it more than most lengthier games.
Not as good as Chrono Trigger, though.

No word of a lie, “God bless the ring,” is the coolest subtitle for a game.
Quest mode is cool, but pretty repetitive, and the combat is a little goofy with the balance; however, I love Ehrgeiz for all of those reasons.

Most consistent game in the series I've played so far, both between the Classic and Metroidvania styles.
Thank God Europe is just a fictional place.