Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ The faction quests are actually interesting despite it being optional.
+ Fun to try different builds with diverse skill trees. I found Finesse to be the most fun for me.
+ The OST is memorable and really improves world immersion.
- The main story/quests are not that interesting.
- Exploration was moderately tiring and perhaps unnecessary to even explore. I gave up opening chests and picking up dropped enemy loot by mid-game.

Originally played this on the PS3 and dropped it after some time. Though, I did have many burnouts, I would always find myself wanting to play and finish the game so I bought the remastered.

I can only recommend this game if you have a lot of time to spare and are willing to commit to a long journey of this RPG.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ Highly immersive atmosphere.
+ Elder Scrolls lore was already vast with predecessors and Skyrim adds on top of that.
+ Countless character builds to have fun with.
+ Unique random encounters while exploring the open world.
+ Hundreds of side quests, albeit most are fetch quests, but a lot of them have interesting plots.
+ In terms of quests, faction questlines are the best. Unique character bonuses, introduced to a new atmosphere than the typical Dragonborn main story.
- NPC AI behavior and enemy AI behavior are wonky, which can be immersion-breaking and make combat feel sluggish.
- Combat mechanics aren't the best, not exciting.

Despite me dropping this game during the PS3 days, I made it a goal of mine to finally finish Skyrim in 2022 and it was worth the journey. I actually played this without mods to get trophies and the vanilla experience is not as bad as I thought it was. If you have the time and energy to commit, the Skyrim journey still holds up to this day.

(Only reviewing the PVE experience)
Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ The Open-world genre and Souls genre hybrid was executed perfectly.
+ Hundreds of weapons to choose from, many weapon TYPES to choose from, many spells/incantations to choose from, etc.
+ NPC questlines are mysterious, mischievous, and some are emotional, wholesome, and beautiful. Very engaging.
+ Beautifully-crafted lore. (Strongly recommend YouTuber 'VaatiVidya' for lore videos on all Soulsborne FromSoftware games)
+ Fantastic replayability.
+ Very cool boss design, NPC design, enemy design, and world design.
+ Exhilarating Souls combat mixed with new additions that makes it a unique FromSoftware game.
+ (Bonus) Worldbuilding was written by George R.R Martin, author of the 'ASOIAF' novel series, known for its TV adaptation 'Game of Thrones'.
- Minor FPS drops in specific areas that are demanding (Rainy areas and alike)

Not my first Soulsborne game, but my first finished Soulsborne game. Also the first game I ever paid the full $60+tax for and it was worth it. A truly unforgettable journey.

You have a range of newly-introduced mechanics to help you get through the game. If you are having trouble in combat, you are allowed to use whatever the game gives you to help you. There is no "one-way" of playing a Souls game, ever. Do not let people say you did not kill a boss "the Souls way" because this is Elden Ring, the game is designed for you to use those new tools that are not in the Dark Souls trilogy.
Progression is not hard unless you're not a curious/explorative player. Investigating many areas until you reach the point where you fall off the world is the key to help you get a better experience. The way I see it, Elden Ring is an Open World game first, then a Souls game second.
I've heard from many that Elden Ring suffers from imbalance difficulty, but I personally did not experience difficulty spikes. Every boss and dungeon had a challenge, but clearly possible to overcome. I have experienced cake-walks, but only when going back to old areas so that is just a given. Perhaps some weapons and items.

If you like exploring a vast world and a challenge, Elden Ring is there for you.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ Interesting world lore. The Dragon Age universe in general is interesting.
+ Characters that can give you an emotional attachment to them.
+ The OST is memorable, especially the bard in the tavern.
+ Wholesome, comedic, and lovely banter between party characters.
+ Despite the story being dark, launching the game always gives me warmth and a nostalgia-like feeling. I don't know how to explain it, but I just felt "at home" when playing this game.
- Certain actions may cause a permanent audio bug on every menu you open.
- Not much character builds. Having a small amount of classes to choose from is fine, but the goal for that is now to have many build opportunities within those amount of classes.
- Exploring and looting zones becomes obsolete when you have created
- Collectables were not interesting/engaging enough to actually go out of my way and collect it.
- The war table is one of the worst mechanics I've ever seen.

Took many breaks and many restarts, but I felt accomplished in the end.
One of the only games with a group where the bond and interactions felt like a real-life friend group. Do not ever skip an Inner Circle quest. The story itself may be dark, especially the Trespasser DLC, but I had a wholesome and wonderful experience.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ One of, if not, the deepest stories with a humanist message in gaming.
+ The OST is beautifully composed.
+ Fun hack n' slash combat.
+ The side quests are interesting and actually important as they add to the world lore and its mystery. It's a crime to only do the main quests.
+ Intense character growth/development.
- It was tough figuring out the right camera settings for me.

A masterpiece that's not talked about much. This one of those games you wish you can play it blind for the first time again.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ H.P Lovecraft inspired. Lovecraftian horror and cosmic horror.
+ Aggressive/fast-paced combat with a satisfying gun parry mechanic.
+ Victorian-inspired setting.
+ Beautifully-crafted world lore.
+ Exhilarating boss fights.
+ Each weapon has its own fun playstyle.
+ Most NPC's have interesting background lore and questlines.
+ The insight mechanic is one of the most unique mechanics in gaming.
- Unable to remap controls.
- Dated gameplay performance (30fps).
- Blood vials and bullets run out quickly and it's exhausting to farm them.

The second entry for my Soulsborne journey. Originally played Bloodborne in 2016, but dropped until December 2022.
Not much to say other than this is the best Soulsborne game.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ Beautiful and relaxing open-world to explore.
+ Fun puzzles and some are actually difficult.
- Cooking is a tedious process.
- Camera sensitivity is still slow (for me) even at the highest setting.

The only reason why I bought the Switch. Definitely overrated to oblivion, but I had a pleasant experience. Just a cozy game when I don't want to be at the edge of my seat.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ Beautiful and relaxing open-world to explore.
+ Strange, innovative combat (Yes, I enjoyed it).
+ Characters were somewhat interesting.
- The main story is not interesting.
- Cutscene glitches (Characters not in the places where they should be).
- Audio glitches (Voicelines not playing and voicelines being skipped).
- NPC glitches (slow model loading, t-posing).
- Texture popping.

This game caught my eye when searching for games that are like Game of Thrones or at least have that medieval setting without being a war simulator. I really appreciate the history-accuracy, I don't see many games doing this.

The bad optimization made me leave. I killed an NPC with my horse and got sent to jail for 10 days just because their character model LOADED in front of me.

This review contains spoilers

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ Beautiful OST. Very underrated.
+ A deep, emotional story.
+ Memorable and beautiful character arcs and character growths.
+ Text adventures were fun to go through, in my opinion.
- Most side quests were boring.
- Horrible "fast travel" system. For specific places, it feels like it takes less time to travel on foot.

The story is not as emotional as NieR: Automata, but it really picks up after ending B. The combat is boring, but the story is the main focus when playing this game. So I shamelessly switched the difficulty from Hard to Easy. For me, this is a one-and-done game. I have played Automata first, but I do recommend playing Replicant first.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ An amazing Star Wars story.
+ Bosses and mini-bosses are fun to fight.
+ Souls-like combat and rest mechanics.
+ Uncharted-like exploration.
- Player movement response is a bit slow/delayed.
- The skill tree is extremely useful, but none of the skills really change your playstyle much.
- Backtracking torture.

I already knew the story from watching multiple playthroughs. I've been a SW fan since childhood so there's not much to say.
The way I see it, it's a SW game made BY SW fans, made FOR SW fans. If you're not into Star Wars, I don't think this will be an enjoyable experience for you, in my opinion.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ The OST is probably the best thing about Genshin.
+ Fun combat mechanics (Elemental reactions, elemental skill/burst, team compositions, etc).
+ The world lore/Teyvat lore is somewhat interesting, but not too interesting or dense to deep dive and theorize like that Charlie Day board meme.
+ Huge range of character personalities, making the in-game world not feel monotonous.
- The main story (Archon Quest in proper terms) pacing is slow.
- Version events, character story quests, and character hangouts started out interesting and fun to do, but over the years it became boring and shameless filler. When it came to that point, I started skipping dialogue as I'm only doing it for the primogems now.
- Side quests/world quests are dragged on for too long with making the player wait real-time days to fully complete a chained world quest.
- Recent character kits have been uncreative; just slight changes from a previous character's kit. The animations get better, but the concept always stay the same.
- Despite the lore itself being engaging in its own right, the story-telling is subpar in terms of character dialogue and cutscenes.
- The worst of all: No attention/consideration to player feedback.

Been playing since October 2020. Definitely not worth the time and money, in my opinion. I have heard about the 7 year or 10 year development plan and it's a terrible plan. The long ride would have been enjoyable if the developers knew what content to keep players interested. However, no one is willing to stay for the long ride because the developers only know how to spread the game too thin. So many of my friends quit this game and it certainly wasn't the gacha system because most of them play other gacha games so I never understood why because the game was so fun to play in its first 2 years, but I now understand.

As of now, I quit this game. If I somehow come back to this game, FOMO will be the reason.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ Huge selection of characters to play as.
+ Improved game mechanics.
- Uninteresting campaign.
- Somehow the movie soundtracks are not in the game despite the PS2 games having the movie soundtracks.
- The worst of all: Microtransactions

Battlefront 2 (2005) > Battlefront 2 (2017). That's all.

(Free Trial only and overall experience, not just A Realm Reborn even though that's all I played so far)
Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ Wholesome community (from my experience).
+ The OST is a staple, the OST of the entire FF series is a staple.
+ Very diverse class/job system.
+ Console-friendly. Not many MMO's/live-service games take care of their console versions, "take care" as in QoL features that usually only PC users can do.
+ Noob-friendly for new MMO players.
+ Fun rotations, dungeons, and trials of all kinds.
- Mog Station is a nightmare.

Been a FF fan since childhood. MMO isn't really my thing, but I decided to try XIV. Finished A Realm Reborn, but quit during the post-ARR / pre-Heavensward section.

Everyone was polite even when I said I was new to the dungeon and the game. People have corrected me on where I should be standing as I played a tank (Gladiator/Paladin), but no one scolded me or raged at me for it.

I will probably get back into it, but I'm just personally scared of messing up my rotations. I even skipped some dungeon cutscenes because I heard some people don't wait for new players if they watch the cutscenes. I also google a dungeon before I do it so I know what to do before getting into it. It's just a lot of "blind new player" fear coming from me.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ One of the best stealth games out there.
+ It's mainly a stealth game, but you can tackle missions in different ways; run past everyone, sneak past everyone, knock out everyone, kill everyone.
+ Fun combat with many different tools at your disposal.
- (Only specific to the PS4 version) The power whispers/sounds are only heard through the controller speaker. Turning down the controller speaker volume all the way down does not transition the sound to the TV. The controller speaker is meant to improve immersion, but the controller speaker idea ruins my immersion with games.

Originally played Dishonored on the Xbox 360, just wanted to replay it. Definitive Edition holds up pretty well, in my opinion.

Positives [+] and Negatives [-]
+ Has the classic Lego game comedy and humorous cutscenes.
+ Executes their own spin on the HP movies very well while keeping true to the movies.
+ Countless spells to have fun with, both already existed in the lore and newly-created spells.
- Spell mechanics can be clunky at times.

I got this game because it was on sale and I love HP and the Wizarding World. It's a game I won't go back to, but it was fun experiencing the HP movies in Lego form.